How to handle a crash

Agreed, if another car is involved I think having a police report is important especially when it comes to legal protection. If it is a solo incident, if I am ok enough to get up, I would leave the police out of it. In Virginia, if you have a solo crash you will be written a ticket whether or not it is your fault.

Not true.
If you have an accident in VA with no one else involved it does NOT mean that you are getting a ticket.
You can be ticketed, but it doesn't mean that you will be.
I do agree that I would leave the cops out whenever possible.
With full coverage insurance, who cares what the insurance company wants. The insurance MUST cover your claim, like it or not, with or without a police report. That's part of paying for full coverage.
None of this means that the cops can't ticket you whenever they want either, even after the fact.
Remind me to NEVER think about living in VA. Come on now, if a deer ran out in front of you what could you have done to prevent an accident?
You can't control wild animals, can you?

If someone changed lanes and didn't do a head check and this forced you to swerve and therefore caused a crash and the vehicle took off......
only because you swerved you didn't hit them and so it would look like a solo crash - and your saying you would get a ticket? That's just wrong. :banghead:

Only 2 states in the USA out law radar detectors and VA is one of them. :banghead:
If you get caught going over 90 you go to jail. That's wrong too. :banghead:

I think I would be afraid to live in VA. Too many :rulez: Probably get busted for rules they have which are unique to VA but lack common sense to most people. :banghead:

Bet they have insurance rules that are different from the rest of the USA too.

Oh well, glad I don't live there. It must have some good qualities - I just can't think of any at the moment. :laugh:

VA has some stupid laws, but it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be.
Get around Northern VA, Richmond, Norfolk, I-95, or I-81, and you will see a lot of police. But, those are also heavily populated and congested areas. The rest of the state is no worse than anywhere else.
The really stupid laws are "improper equipment". Your tuck is too high, your car is too low, windows are too dark, ect. Even those aren't strictly enforced. They are usually just extra tickets after being pulled for something else.
It always depends on the cop, a lot of them are laid back and use common sense. Then there is always the exception. The VA State Troopers rarely give warnings. The younger Troopers are mostly pricks with a chip on their shoulder, and feel they have something to prove. I have seen this many times, and have been told this by older Troopers as well.
VA isn't in the best shape now either(as is the rest of the country, and world). VA has just recently announced they will be cutting the State Police by 20%...and they are already understaffed. Education and law enforcement, the smartest places to cut spending, yeah right. Just as long as state government gets paid, and a raise.