How many here named there bike

BT and Rev you guys need to play nice or we will have to seperate you.
Hell, what is more tempting and dark than an all Black Busa...
Do you really want me to answer that right now?

I knew this was coming ... BT, Da Demon and Lilah are going to have to meet for some one on one to settle this debate
Are you ready to rumble?

That tiny little cutsie fuggin ten doesn't scare Lilah...  Ever seen a black widow mate?  Yup I am thinking it would just be feeding Lilah Cheese and <span style='color:limegreen'>Kwackers...</span>    All the isn't going to help ya none...  

Wouldn't really be all that fair though...  He's got what maybe 200 miles on his 10?  That's not enough, hell it's not even broken in.  But combine 1300 miles or so on The Busa, with say 300 miles on the 10R for a total of 1600 or so lifetime miles?  That's not right, give him a few months at least to get all comfortable on his new whip...  Then? 

Then again who's the firestarter here Huh Huh?  Sage I believe
...  Uh Huh...  Trying to start some shid are yah?  
What Bullet was saying is right now his head is so Kwacker Fueled that all he can think about is that 10R... Hell I got $20 says he curled up next to that thing in the garage last night just to keep it company...  

It's all good, I know that the real issue was that Bullet couldn't find an all Black Busa, so he did the next best thing, and got Himself a Black 10R.  See folks it's all about the Black bikes, and Bullet has been jonesing for awhile now.  So yeah, he is just following in Rev's footsteps and who could blame him???

NOW you all can kneel at the ALTER OF REV!!!!  

Of course I am fuggin kidding...  Hell I don't take myself  seriously.... Now get to bowing down...  we'll work on the groveling later you Dogs...  
Yes Sir!
Yer Killin me...

Only thing she calls me at home is SIR!!!!




Yeah... SIR

Session Initiation Request
Self-Important Ruminant
Serious Incident Report
Selfish Insensitive Rat
Seriously Impressive Rodent
Set Iron Rod
Signal-to-Interference Ratio
Simulated Intelligence Robotics

Depending on my mood, of course. As we all know, usually I just call him Honey-bunny
Think my Avatar and signature said it all.  

<!--EDIT|Ninja Eater
Reason for Edit: None given...|1098129644 -->
I want Paul (UUBUSA) to name his after the guy that takes the people to hell on that boat....
I know you know what Im talking about. But I cant figure out the guys name...But he should name his bike that...
It just came to me...

<span style='font-family:papyrus'><span style='color:indigo'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>Violet</span></span></span>

<!--EDIT|Kevin Kesler
Reason for Edit: None given...|1098139237 -->
I want Paul (UUBUSA) to name his after the guy that takes the people to hell on that boat....
I know you know what Im talking about.  But I cant figure out the guys name...But he should name his bike that...
Do you mean Greek Mythology ... Charon ??
Just don't forget your coins... or he won't let you ride. I hear it's expensive, but if you don't pay up, you're stuck in limbo!

Yeah... that could work for a Busa. ALhtough it depends on how you feel about mounting a man whenever you want to go for a ride...
Actually looks like Kharon... Look Here for more... The description of Kharon doesn't fit the busa very well to me. Maybe if we had the boat name that would work. The busa just might qualify as the boat to hell for some.

I think maybe I should have called the 10 "Kerberos"...

Reason for Edit: None given...|1098149937 -->
Maybe "obolos" instead of Charon - this is the coin that was required for passage to hades

Although it really might be bad luck to name your ride to represent the cost of your passage to hell...

<!--EDIT|Mrs. Revlis
Reason for Edit: None given...|1098152533 -->
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