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Isn't there enough problems in the world already..I will give
"anybody" respect untill they screw me...give "anyone" a chance....You guy's haven't even met....lighten up....please.
Race isn't an issue for me..just be cool.....this is
Hayabusa.org!!!!!!! we love our bikes and each other...
"why not" there is no reason to hate.... Right now...we need to think about "World Issues"....For example..Mr. President ...
You are scaring "US".......................bigtime! Peace!
Major shiznits.... ...........and a AARRRGGG..... UFTA!
Back to the bike......Love my BUS...And you all...
Kerberos the way you came back was by using racial slurs that were directed toward the "STUNNAH"...And that is simply something that I cannot afford to tolerate...

So there's no need for you to try and mask your statements...Anyone who has a true belief in bigotry can't hide forever...

You can't be luke warm, it's either hot or cold...You can't praise God and worship Satan...

You are clueless to the harm you have done...Cities have burned and lives have been lost because of twisted minds as yours...

I don't mind a go roasting...A good war of words...A haha you got me, a haha I got you...Those things we could laugh about later and other's would laugh with us...

I run nor hide from any man, nor do I have a fear of any man...

But you let your prejudice overwhelm you and that may be accepted by some but not by me...

This is the second time a confrontation of words has developed between us and both times you resorted to slurs...You need to open your mind fool...

So #@!$ you!!!!!
Kerberos the way you came back was by using racial slurs that were directed toward the "STUNNAH"...And that is simply something that I cannot afford to tolerate...

I seriously doubt that you could actually formulate a gramatically correct sentence to explain this statement but I will ask anyway. Just what "racial slurs" are you referring to? My friend Anthony (who is black, oops he said to write VERY black! his words not mine. hehehe) says that he can't see what you mean? So if you can tear yourself away from the mirror, we would like to have clarification on "racial slurs".

So there's no need for you to try and mask your statements...Anyone who has a true belief in bigotry can't hide forever...

Nice try but you still have not backed up your statements with fact. You're just angry because you invited me to play and I shut you down hard.

You can't be luke warm, it's either hot or cold...You can't praise God and worship Satan...

Which g-d are you referring to here? There are thousands that have been worshiped since the dawn of time by a myriad of cultures.

You are clueless to the harm you have done...Cities have burned and lives have been lost because of twisted minds as yours...

This is very funny here stunnah, now you are saying that minds like mine have more power that YHVH and that we are so powerful that we did things that YHVH did not approve of?

Read your scriptures again (in english):
it is written that when Yashua died on that tree

"all power and athourity was given unto Him"

All means All! Anything done to you or your race (and any race for that matter) was deliberate and Holy. I know this is a difficult concept for most people let alone you. Just deal with it.

I don't mind a good roasting...A good war of words...A haha you got me, a haha I got you...Those things we could laugh about later and other's would laugh with us...

That just doesn't wash here. Plainly all can see you are egotistical (probably from low self esteem caused by childhood trauma) and confrontational. You are an angry man with a racial chip on your shoulder. You live for a good scrap. You were most likely very violent in school and always picking on those smaller than yourself.

Case in point:

I run nor hide from any man, nor do I have a fear of any man...

Typical type "A" personality.

But you let your prejudice overwhelm you and that may be accepted by some but not by me...

These are empty words from a beaten young boy. Like wind rustling the leaves in the trees, you still have not supported your argument of "racism" with any words I have said. You sound like a windbag full of hot air with nothing to say.

This is the second time a confrontation of words has developed between us and both times you resorted to slurs...You need to open your mind fool...[/QUOTE]

Now you have made two baseless and foundationless accusations with no words to back up your argument. Unless you are referring to when I called you a "backwards yokum". It's hardly "racist" and your behavior fit the phrase perfectly.

So #@!$ you!!!!![/QUOTE]

Famous last words.

To be perfectly honest, I did not take anything that Kerbie said as being racist.  The only part of the conversation that I didn't care too much for was when he started using "BOY" in reference to Stunnah.  When talking directly to someone, no matter the race, that word sounds awkard.  As an African-American, I take the use of the word "BOY" the same as I would as if someone had called me the "N" word.  The word "BOY" is synonymous to the days of slavery, especially when whites refer to blacks.  This thread is real hard to read into.  Are they really serious, or is it playful teasing?  My guess is that it may have started out as fun, but it may be slowly heading toward ill feelings.  Just my .02

Hey, don't know about you guys, but my father always called me boy. Stunnah acts like an adolesent boy throwing tantrums and puffing up like a peacock. ( ehhehhe I said peacock... that was cool..ehhehhee). IF that is all you guys are referring to as rascist, then you are living in the past with VERY big chips in your shoulder. Guess I could have said "little boy" but stunnah is not little. But he does behave as a boy, not a man. Very funny. Didn't even think that calling him a "boy" was racial. Ok, how's this, sit down "Big boy!" ack...doesn't have the same banter fufillment. It sounds like I'm trying to emulate May West. Not the effect I was going for. No I will stick with "boy" but in a non racist connotation (for those of you yokums that are stuck in some distant past that happened long before I was born and that I had othing to do with.) However, I will for clarity's sake state for the record:

Form this moment forward let it be herin written and publicly acknowleged that whenever I use the term "boy" to describe the behavior of a person or persons, that I am using it in a strictly non-racial and non-cultural manner. My use of the term "boy" simply denotes the childish behavoir of a man.

No one on this board doubts your ability to defend yourself or do what is necessary.  However, I contend that arguing with Kerbie is like wrestling with a pig.  You get muddy and the pig is having fun!   Unless you can physically get in the ring with the guy, all you're doing is frustrating yourself. [/QUOTE]

Finally, someone nails it! Props to Busaben!

As my signature says "give a wise man wisdom and a fool, foolishness.

So I still say "#### Kerberos"!!!![/QUOTE]

We all know the four letter word you are using here is "LOVE". hehehe

It's not funny anymore and I would hate for this to turn into a forum much like the ones at LABusas where anything is said about anyone without regard or respect for one another let alone other board members who may be reading its' content.

LET IT GO!!!!!       STOP........... [/QUOTE]

SHHHhhhhhhh! quiet!

Ya, it's all about race and it sucks and I think that's what this post is all about. So, I've said it, make your jugdement as you wish, cause I have nothing more to say about this stupid ass thread.[/QUOTE]

Maybe for all you guys (and gal), never even crossed my mind. Black or white, stupid is as stupid does. Form my highly educated point of view, stunnah says some really stupid, conceited garbage. Someone has to put him back in his place and we all know I am a banter g-d. There is none higher!

Isn't there enough problems in the world already..I will give
"anybody" respect untill they screw  me...give "anyone" a chance....You guy's haven't even  met....lighten up....please.
Race isn't an issue for me..just be cool.....this is
Hayabusa.org!!!!!!! we love our bikes and each other...
"why not" there is no reason to hate.... Right now...we need to think about "World Issues"....For example..Mr. President ...
You are scaring "US".......................bigtime! Peace!
Major shiznits.... ...........and a AARRRGGG.....  UFTA!
Back to the bike......Love my BUS...And you all...[/QUOTE]

Now that's waht I am talking about!

Hey K! You
I write such cool stuff! I think I start these banters just to read my own responses. I just

Who could possibly win an argument with me? There is none higher at tonsil hockey than me.

Reply as you wish, but from here out, it needs to be known if you want this thread gone or not.

Kerb, do you agree to have this thread done with? or not?
I say let the post continue. Hey, Stunnah and Kerbie are two adults who should be able to find a way to settle there differences here. Regardless if the post disappear or not, it will still be ill differences between those two. I say let them settle it here and get it over with. As far as I'm concern, the only racist remark made in this topic was from "HANK".

Hank, I don't know anything about your experences working with black people, but I blame you for letting the situation get to the point where you had to quit your job. If you would have been a man about, that black female that you mentioned wouldn't have rode you so hard. You let your actions dictate how you let others treat you.

All I can say is I once worked in the ghetto with mostly blacks. The collective mentality of the black woman working there, were the most evil spirited and racist group imaginable.  Management allowed them to harass me, because they were afraid to say anything - the group would gang up on me every day. It was so bad I quit my service, after 10 years working in that awful system  - Government.  I refuse to work in an environment like that again. I really don’t care what color someone is, but I can tell you, it isn’t fun being a white middle-aged male in the work place, especially if you work Government, you have no rights and can say nothing to offend even the mouse in the corner without hearing about it.
Hank: I guess I should have asked this question first before my above statement!!!

Who are you really upset with, the government or the black people?

Out of respect for Stunnah, I promise not to post to this thread anymore. He started this thread and he wants to settle it...ALONE! All I ask is that Stunnah just keep his cool and don't let it affect you personally.

wish I could start a poll within a thread, but I can't so here is what I suggest.

As a moderator, I can remove this thread from existense.
1) the starter of the thread, STUNNAH, must ask to have it removed.
2) it must be agreed by the other members that posted here, some of you already agree, so I need yea or nay from: Stunnah, Kerberos, Bacharles, busaban, and sledhead.
3) once that is done, I will make sure the powers that be have backed up the logs.

I hope everyone here agrees that everyone disagrees in some fashion. Race, color, heritage, religion. They are all welcome here, and most are at peace. The fact is this got out of hand and some felt hurt, disrespected, and some even shunned. I was asked to moderate as that is one of my duties here and it was asked of me in this thread. Not for my own gain, but because someone asked me to. I for one feel disrespected for doing that duty. Not going to say why, because the person that did it knows he did. No matter.

Hank brought to light that this board is dwindling. It is not, but is going through another transition as it has many times before. We have a better, more versitile, and larger membership than ever before. Lets keep it growing, and grow with eachother. I don't know why I feel I must go on with my feelings here, but I do know you are all above this and it pisses me off that we have come to this. That is why I haven't posted much in the last few days.

Reply as you wish, but from here out, it needs to be known if you want this thread gone or not.


Doesn't matter to me one way or the other what is done about the post. And if anyone took me literally about my promise, then I broke it. But if you didn't then I didn't break my promise. And that's all I have to say about that...

  Let's start this way. I am a 31 y.o. white male. I grew up in two places. One was a white suburban neighborhood. The other was an ethnically affluent area.

"BOY" refers to a put down when you call an African American that. Basically you are saying that that person is beneath you. You are saying I am a man and you are but a boy. Most Southerners refer to blacks in that way as a derogatory comment. Like for example, "What did you say, BOY? You better watch it before I give you an ass whoopin'".

"Ebonics" mostly refers to the issue of wether or not they would teach it on the west coast to predominantly blacks who spoke mostly street slang. It was an insult to even consider it. Most of the East Coast was appalled they would even suggest it.

If you didn't have any doubt that the comments that you made were racial you should now know. This is what I gathered from what Stunnah meant about racial slurs. He may have a different meaning than me. I can assure you that I know many people and they would all agree that what I have explained above is common knowledge. I would urge you to stop making refences to those comments in the future as it would show great ignorance on your part.

That's all I have to say. Thanks for reading my post.
I say again.....there is no such thing as "color" anymore.  Over the years so many different ethnicities of people have born children with others that any "color" left is definitely not a "pure" one.  So......with that said............what's the problem.  Stop arguing and keep your nasty a$$ pie hole shut if you don't have anything nice to say about another Human Being!

I love you guys.
"BOY" refers to a put down when you call an African American that. Basically you are saying that that person is beneath you. You are saying I am a man and you are but a boy. Most Southerners refer to blacks in that way as a derogatory comment. Like for example, "What did you say, BOY? You better watch it before I give you an ass whoopin'".

Well, I certainly understand your point here but I am neither a southerner nor care for color issues. There is a bull, a cow and a calf. In the human species, there is a man, a woman and a boy or girl. I won't continue to call any "blacks" or "african-americans" as you called them, a "boy". We don't want the "adolescent young male children" to be emotionally damaged now do we? Personally this whole boo hoo waaa waaa crybaby stuff about slavery is silly. Hey, I am Jewish, if anyone should hold a grudge it would be me against germans. You want to talk about slavery? 6 million + enslaved, tortured, starved and murdered.  However, 99.9% of germans alive today had nothing to do with the hollocoust. Why would I carry animosity towards them? Hey, call me a kike, hook-nose anything you want. They are just words and I don't "boo hoo, you hurt my over-sensitive feelings."  if you say them to me.  Stunnah is a big baby and throws out the "race card" as a last ditch effort to win support. He knows he is no match for me.

I am glad to see that the majority of you know better and I was reffering to "boy = adolescent young male". If stunnah was not such an angry person so ready to throw down, he would have seen it also and not even mentioned racial slurs.

Thanks to muggaX, discreet007, and the others for defending my non-racial intentions.

We can kill this in a couple more days, I say leave it up for now so that the other members can see how it ended.
Don't make me pull a Mark Furman on your ass...

Wonder who could have possibly made this incrediblt RACIAL statement..?
Let me start out with four very easy words to understand "This post is over".... I could very easily inject my opinions about escalating negativity in this thread, but I refuse to participate in a very unimportant argument between two grown men. You know guys this is not romper room and I am not your daddy, I don't get paid to mediate because you both refuse to grow up.

Kerbie you and I went down this path I believe near the beginning of your membership here. I know people that thrive off of the challenge of debate and enjoy advancing to the next level in the discussion. Regardless of the topic you will research and prepare for the response that will antagonize your adversary the most. Please remember that everyone does not enjoy your victories, enough said I think.

Stunnah, as long as you reply to the thread Kerbie will chuckle in his living room sitting in his lazy boy drinking lemonade and eating popcorn waiting for the email notification that you have responded to this post..... Sometimes you have to simply turn around and walk away (This is the Internet so simply not responding would suffice). Sometimes when a person attempts to articulate his point, view, or thoughts to others the harder you try the worse the impression you leave. It’s a very easy process to comprehend, just walk away!

I wanted to add a great or profound statement at this point in my post, but I decided I could make many people happy by just stopping the childish behavior.

Here is the best part guys, it's my board, I get the final word on this thread no matter what. Kerbie, I like you, you have a great way with words and it is obvious that you pick up on the little things and you inherently know what buttons to push to get someone to take it to the next level, I ask you very respectfully to stop!

Stunnah, it's over, there is no need to drag this out any longer, consider it done, if you both want this to continue and you just can't get a grip and you need to fulfill your daily dose of " I am going to prove to the world that I am right over an argument that I had with a guy on the Internet in a different state that doesn’t effect anything that I do, that I know is egging me on that doesn’t give a flip about me personally that I will never meet in person, that knows absolutely no one that I know and wants to argue" go to LABUSAS or open your own server and hate each other there.

To all the members that are tired of this post, this topic is locked just for you.......

Now who's the funniest member on the site
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