Hello all.


been awhile since i've been on due to weather. Currently the busa is sitting right behind me and the couch staying warm and confortable. I did pick up a honda xr 50 to fool around on and do the stuff i can't do on the busa. Including riding it in the winter. So whats everyone else been up to?? all this snows starting to give me a headache i just wana ride!!! heres some pics of whats been keeping me occupied this winter!

OH yea its also my birthday today!






I even went nuts since i really dislike the color red i painted he plastics for now.


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Happy Birthday!!!

That looks like a lot of fun!
Ride safe,:laugh:
50s the way to go i'll probably turn it into a stunt bike for the summer months. can't wait to ride street again tho!
50's are fun to ride. I love riding the one my sister and her family have when we all go out riding. In the first pic the chain looked a little long to me! The weather there looks pretty nice. :beerchug:
Love that busted chain look on a bike...rode it till you broke it..didn't ya:laugh: I forgot how cold it is up there...Lived in N Chicago for a couple of years...man that is some icy weather...thanks for sharing pics..2hip
happy b-day, glad to see you are making the most out of the yucky weather :beerchug:
yea the weathers been crap and been trying to stay busy. yea in the first pic the chain did fall off. is been doing that alot lately since i've been to lazy to tighten up the slack. i also broke the rear brake lever bend the shifter and stipped out the pegmount holes so i got a little work to do on it before i can ride it again. Thanks for all the birthday wishes as well.
been awhile since i've been on due to weather. Currently the busa is sitting right behind me and the couch staying warm and confortable. I did pick up a honda xr 50 to fool around on and do the stuff i can't do on the busa. Including riding it in the winter. So whats everyone else been up to?? All this snows starting to give me a headache i just wana ride!!! Heres some pics of whats been keeping me occupied this winter!

Oh yea its also my birthday today!






i even went nuts since i really dislike the color red i painted he plastics for now.



happy birthday:beerchug:
south africa
Happy birthday! :beerchug:

So you have the exact same bike as me, I had a Pewter LS1 Z/28... maybe I should get a 50 also, and we can be twins!
I have some 02 Simms for it, if you're interested.
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i wish it was warm i broek the 50 couple weeks ago and need something to ride lol lost my job couple days after my birthday and have been searching for work almost non stop
Happy belated birthday!

I havent been on the board for a few days myself. (not to rub it in,but it was 73 here yesterday)

Looks like you should get yourself some spikes for those tires and you will have even more fun!:beerchug: I remember what the weather was like (born and raised in Minneapolis) but I can say I am spoiled now, and dont miss it!