Hayabusa Owners Group

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Hayabusa As A Bike After A 250cc

if your only 5'4" you are going to have to lower it some i would imagine. I don't think you are thinking about this whole busa first bike thing in the correct way. I dont know how to explain this other than a new rider lacks experience and certain years of riding reactions that only come from experience. There is a huge difference in a 600 at 380 lbs and a 1340 at 500+. Throwing a busa out of harms way is much more intense than throwing a 600 out of the way. Now if you have never had to avoid an accident, react fast etc you are at the learning curves mercy with an advanced riders machine with no experience on what to do or how it is going to feel. Which would you rather do? Figure it out on an agile lighter machine with less torque, or try it out on a huge machine with lots of weight and torque to add even more to the equation?

And i hate to say it but at 5'4" you are barely touching the ground with feet. Balls of feet at most. No one is saying a busa isn't an ok bike for the first time rider and frankly i for one get sick of hearing it. What we say time and time again is its not the ideal starter bike for a person with no experience riding who has absolutely no idea how to respond under pressure on this machine. Be just like throwing a drivers ed kid in a lambo and telling them to have at it! DUH is all i can say.
not planning busa as first.. after a 150cc.. and i plan to practice it at slow speeds in empty place for at least 6 mnths.. is that ok?
A smaller person will have a harder time learning on a bike this big. The seat is wide, not all that low, so longer legs would be a bonus. If you can go sit one one, see if both feet are close to being flat on the ground. If you are longer legged and comfortable, it's better, but new riders are the ones who tend to drop a bike at a stop, slow turn etc, and these don't take to dropping without damage.
so should i drop the idea of getting it?
The point is you should not buy anything that you have never even sat on. Try one on and see if it even fits you.
Sit on one and find out if you like the reach to the handle bars. Now that you are in position take your hands off the bars and keep your self in that position for a while.

Now ask yourself do you still like it.
A Honda normally has a less aggressive ridding position.

Don't buy it because it is a visa. But what feels comfortable.
I firmly believe it's a lot about "fit". If it fits you; and is comfortable, and you are able to handle it plonking around a parking lot; keeping it stable at a stop light, backing it up; etc., then chances are it'll be OK. I'm a fairly big guy; and some smaller bikes to me feel way more scary, but, that's because the controls are all cramped up and I can't reach things properly. My wife; who's 5'3", definitely struggles much more on a bigger bike (she rides a Ninja 1000). The weight and reach of it I think are much more important considerations than it's power. The Hayabusa is an incredibly well behaved machine; unless you are stupid with it.
so should i drop the idea of getting it?

Ya know Bub, I've been on this forum for 10+ years, and I love these threads. They pop up from time to time, and the question is always the same. The answers always the same.

Don't listen to anybody. Just go get it. Stop debating, second guessing. Just go get it. Make it yours.

Time of your life is staring you right in the face.





My sons 2 years ago both went from dirt bikes to a zx14 and the other 2013 busa! Throttle control is were its at.
actually some people are like its a big bike u will kill urself break bones n bla bla.. so feeling scared
also some are telling u will drop it ehn in slow speeds ... or at traffic cz its heavy etc etc
I just answered this to your 150 cc thread.

Yeah the weight difference. Its a hell of a lot more weight to throw around. Slow speed maneuvers are a totally different beast. That and if u gun it by mistake chances are you will end up in the hospital. If you go at it at baby steps ya might survive. You will put her down a few times that's for sure. If ya don't have leg strength its gonna be pretty embarrassing to be asking for help to get your Busa up every time you drop her.
I just answered this to your 150 cc thread.

Yeah the weight difference. Its a hell of a lot more weight to throw around. Slow speed maneuvers are a totally different beast. That and if u gun it by mistake chances are you will end up in the hospital. If you go at it at baby steps ya might survive. You will put her down a few times that's for sure. If ya don't have leg strength its gonna be pretty embarrassing to be asking for help to get your Busa up every time you drop her.
seems i hav to hit the gym... and if i take baby steps.. still i MIGHT survive? why is almost everyone making me feel that me buyibg a busa is my ticket to death

I think you are misinterpreting what folks are saying. They aren't saying you can not handle they are not saying don't do it they are not saying it can't be done. We are saying it might not be the wisest move but it is doable with some caution, it is doable by many, it has been done by many. Do what you want to do. Ultimately its your life have fun be safe...use the search function. The answer hasn't changed and wont change since the bikes inception.
I'm 6'7 and love the bike, but have only had mine for a week. We are still in the getting to know each other stage of the relationship and she can be a lot to handle. Her main issue is that she does not like to go slow. Always seems to be begging for a little more throttle. I have been riding for 16 years- I learned how to ride on a 700cc Vulcan then went to a 350 twin honda then to a 550cc honda then to a 750cc honda (all of the Hondas were from the 1970's). The hayabusa kind of found me- I wasn't looking for her- but wow she is probably my favorite bike I have ridden. Would I want to ride this bike early on in my riding career? No. Could you master it at 5'4 and only real experience on a 250cc bike? Sure. The bike requires respect and your attention at 100%. If you want it go and buy it. BUT- you will drop it. I already have and was out of pure stupidity- the kick stand wasn't fully extended and over she went. No damage to the bike but to my ego big time. This was the first time in my riding career that I have allowed a bike to touch the ground. This bike is in a class by its self- you will love it.
I'm 6'7 and love the bike, but have only had mine for a week. We are still in the getting to know each other stage of the relationship and she can be a lot to handle. Her main issue is that she does not like to go slow. Always seems to be begging for a little more throttle. I have been riding for 16 years- I learned how to ride on a 700cc Vulcan then went to a 350 twin honda then to a 550cc honda then to a 750cc honda (all of the Hondas were from the 1970's). The hayabusa kind of found me- I wasn't looking for her- but wow she is probably my favorite bike I have ridden. Would I want to ride this bike early on in my riding career? No. Could you master it at 5'4 and only real experience on a 250cc bike? Sure. The bike requires respect and your attention at 100%. If you want it go and buy it. BUT- you will drop it. I already have and was out of pure stupidity- the kick stand wasn't fully extended and over she went. No damage to the bike but to my ego big time. This was the first time in my riding career that I have allowed a bike to touch the ground. This bike is in a class by its self- you will love it.
thank u bro... and should i go for a 600cc before getting it?
Boy ain't this the truth!
"Her main issue is that she does not like to go slow."

Manoman, I can't stand going slow, especially downhill. The bike doesn't really seem to mind, I think it's just me...on this bike. I've never felt the same on any other bike I've owned. Downhill around corners s l o w l y is agony! It's probably why I rip it at most every opportunity.:race:with respect of course.:bowdown:
well here In india we have lots of corners,, too much congestion nd traffic.. means riding a busa will b hard through these conditions right?
well here In india we have lots of corners,, too much congestion nd traffic.. means riding a busa will b hard through these conditions right?

Nope, I didn't mean to imply that the Busa doesn't corner well. It corners just fine and I'd prefer it over any other bike for (long time in the seat) riding, especially in the twisties. As with any heavier bike though it doesn't like repetitive hairpins or goat paths but is a great road bike in all conditions. I just hate riding it downhill, like I said, s l o w l y...I've ridden thru eleven states and have 60,000+ miles on it over ten years with not even one repair needed, just maintenance. You're 23 and can ride a motorcycle (and) the Busa costs what a 600 costs? Buy the Busa. We want to see pics too!
i am a little afraid of handling in slow riding,,, cz here i have plenty of dlow riding to do as traffic is bad and congestion is more
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