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Grandma VP !!

Okay, Of course I had to be the one to bring it up. But all you good faithful McCain supporters are quieter than a w-h-o-r-e in church!!!

PLEASE tell me how the mother of 5, and soon-to-be grandmother of one (if here youngest isn't really her first already) is going to fulfill the duties of VP and possibly president??


Seem like she was busy preaching abstinence to the wrong choir, when she shoulda been buying condoms and/or birth control pills for her daughter, who was obiviously a little hot in the azz!!

I applaud Obama for taking the high road. This was a juicy azz target on their azzes.

Are you saying a woman, who happens to be a mother, isn't qualified to be a VP? Wow...I thought we were beyond that but I guess not.

Maybe you should follow Obama's advise.:whistle:

There has only been one person ever walk this earth who was / is perfect- and that was Jesus Christ-

I say that to say this: Nobody is perfect and we ALL are gonna make mistakes that we have to ask God for forgiveness for-
the most important thing is what we do with our lives and how we affect others we come in contact with- it is our responsibility to try live by the example Jesus set for us to follow-
I am not trying to bash you, but you know how you are coming across to most on this board- Just remember that everything you do has an impact on others around you good or bad- I don't know about you, but I want to be remembered as someone who tried to shed some light on a very dark world- And God does keep score:thumbsup:

Oh yeah, I was a DAD at 17 too- Made my share of mistakes too.... Became a single dad with custody of my son and daughter when they were 6 and 4 yrs....
Raised them by myself and both are in college now- didn't do too bad if I may pat myself on the back a little... Raised them in a christian home- that is the key !
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There has only been one person ever walk this earth who was / is perfect- and that was Jesus Christ-

I say that to say this: Nobody is perfect and we ALL are gonna make mistakes that we have to ask God for forgiveness for-
the most important thing is what we do with our lives and how we affect others we come in contact with- it is our responsibility to try live by the example Jesus set for us to follow-
I am not trying to bash you, but you know how you are coming across to most on this board- Just remember that everything you do has an impact on others around you good or bad- I don't know about you, but I want to be remembered as someone who tried to shed some light on a very dark world- And God does keep score:thumbsup:

Oh yeah, I was a DAD at 17 too- Made my share of mistakes too.... Became a single dad with custody of my son and daughter when they were 6 and 4 yrs....
Raised them by myself and both are in college now- didn't do too bad if I may pat myself on the back a little... Raised them in a christian home- that is the key !

:clap:now that was said proper :thumbsup:

I was married at 17,dad at 18.Been married now for 27 years and I'm only 44.Wouldn't change a thing.
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There has only been one person ever walk this earth who was / is perfect- and that was Jesus Christ-

I say that to say this: Nobody is perfect and we ALL are gonna make mistakes that we have to ask God for forgiveness for-
the most important thing is what we do with our lives and how we affect others we come in contact with- it is our responsibility to try live by the example Jesus set for us to follow-
I am not trying to bash you, but you know how you are coming across to most on this board- Just remember that everything you do has an impact on others around you good or bad- I don't know about you, but I want to be remembered as someone who tried to shed some light on a very dark world- And God does keep score:thumbsup:

Oh yeah, I was a DAD at 17 too- Made my share of mistakes too.... Became a single dad with custody of my son and daughter when they were 6 and 4 yrs....
Raised them by myself and both are in college now- didn't do too bad if I may pat myself on the back a little... Raised them in a christian home- that is the key !

That is a very inspiring story! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Not to mention a great outlook on life. It seems in my case I have God and Karma keeping score...LoL!
I dont see how this can be a negative thing. She has real life issues that she is facing head on just like every other American. I dont think having a baby at 17 is a good thing but at least her daughter is accepting the responsibilty of her actions.

Now Palin reminds me of the hot grandma on 40 year old virgin :laugh:
Sorry guys, I am a registered Democat and have been for years. Belonged to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for 16 years, I cant vote for Obama. The man scares me. Thats all I have to say about that. Carry on.

Im in the IBEW too, what local are u in?
I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
:clap:now that was said proper :thumbsup:

I was married at 17,dad at 18.Been married now for 27 years and I'm only 44.Wouldn't change a thing.


Got married at 17 also. My son was born 5 days after I turned 18 and as of 6-2-09 will be married for 20 years at 37 years old! Now I am just hoping to make 40 before having grandkids.:please: But I won't be mad if they come around a little earlier.:thumbsup:
Monica Lewinski: "This time I am voting REPUBLICAN! The Democrats left a Bad Taste in my mouth!"


Got married at 17 also. My son was born 5 days after I turned 18 and as of 6-2-09 will be married for 20 years at 37 years old! Now I am just hoping to make 40 before having grandkids.:please: But I won't be mad if they come around a little earlier.:thumbsup:

You will melt when you see a grandchild the first time.My 2nd grandbaby will be here in January and it's a girl. :)

Got married at 17 also. My son was born 5 days after I turned 18 and as of 6-2-09 will be married for 20 years at 37 years old! Now I am just hoping to make 40 before having grandkids.:please: But I won't be mad if they come around a little earlier.:thumbsup:

I got married at 18 (I turned 18 May 3, got married May 13th). I am proud to say that even though marriage is not perfect every second of the day, we just celebrated our 13th anniversary this past May.

We were not the norm as we did not have our one and only lil guy until 9 years of marriage, but he has added to our family more than I can ever put in words.
funny stuff, amazing that some will hold this against Palin when she had no control over it.

What was Obama doing when he was 17?? Cocaine and Marijuana is what he has admitted to and he is the front runner for president :whistle:

and for those of you who use snopes.com to verify information, I'll provide the link for ya:
snopes.com: Bill Brown/Bill Graham - Obama Tidal Wave

really is worth the read, I really enjoyed the part where Obama wants to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants and allow them to participate in social security!

Oh and the dems will defend a married man getting a hummer in the oval office but condemn this unmarried 17 year old girl for getting pregnant and blame her mother for it ?????? Hey aren't the dems the ones that pushed so hard to get sex ed in the schools these days?? Looks like another pork barrell liberal project that failed this child!
She didn't listen during the sex ed classes, she didn't get birth control pills or condoms from the free clinic and she didn't get an abortion. The liberals have tried to protect this girl from the big bad world. It must be her mothers fault.
And BTW, I am a Virgin as well. I sent off my credit card number and they emailed me a copy of my "Certification of Virginity"

Why yes. I am standing here with nothing on but my "purity":whistle: ring, a pair of Raybans and a fresh coat of baby oil. :smileyexhibit:
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