explanation for the state trooper vid

I would've probably laughed at him when he said to get the smirk off my face. you should have told him to run you over cuz it would make him the most watched cop on youtube:lol: I like cops a lot and I've been applying to all types of LE jobs, but if they start abusing the power that they have then they should be fired so I can get their job:whistle:

Thanks for explaining what happened too. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't hear what they were saying.
Absolutely nothin happened prior to that moment for him to react like that, we had just pulled out of my buddies house and ended up right behind him and my friend just happened to turn on his new gopro helmet cam he had just purchased.. What the video shows is pure coincidence ... Not planned, and we difintely did nothing to him for that type of behavior and for the record I did laugh at him when he told me to wipe the smirk off my face
Any HID's on those bikes by chance?

You are such a troublemaker!

:rofl: :thumbsup:
There was nothing wrong with the other thread at all. shouldnt have been closed. Kinda like the vid i didnt see anything wrong with what the motorcycles did. Officer was out of line and needs to be reported. Remember folks officers work for us. not the other way around. they are supposed to protect and serve, not harrass and discriminate.
there is a point at one stop light where one of the bikes stops pretty closely so maybe thats what he was referring to. theres no MOVING tailgating at all. some people claim the area around their vehicle as personal space lol. I saw a guy on a gixxer stop half a bike length away from a chick at a light and she was cursing him out in her rearview. On such smaller vehicles maybe our use of space is a little different and people dont get it....like splittin lanes. they blow their horns and swerve but im like what are u doin i had pleeeeennnnty of room lol.

but NOTHING justifies armed on duty uniformed LE making any threats that arent work related and justified i.e. if you continue this illegal behavior i'll arrest you.