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Drug Testing Welfare Recipients. Agree?

Imo I think they should focus on getting people off welfare. drugs or not, my mom used drugs on and off and really don't have much to say about her and she (we) were always on welfare. I remember when I moved out (16) she was mad that it would effect her income.

there is no incentive to get off assistance besides your own personal honor and self worth. sadly that is a trait that is not as strong as it once was. I see people who quite there jobs to get more benefits.

idk.. seems like drug testing is a good idea and then what do you do when they fail and have no help? Do you let them and the children live on the streets? Put them in foster care $$$. if were going to help these people, we need to support them not enable them.
Posted via Mobile Device

We are extreme enablers in this country.

Anyone ready to tackle foreign aid :laugh:
ultimately, i would like to see screenings for parents to see if they qualify to have kids in the first place. :laugh:
just gonna throw this out there, my mother in law has to take drug tests to keep getting her pain meds. and she PAYS for the tests, and PAYS for the insurance that is now buying her meds. she got hit by a tahoe crossing the street a couple years ago, still in constant pain. she hates the meds, hates feeling dopey all the time and not being able to work, but you have to do what you have to do. so if they're making sure she's off illegal drugs (which frankly would be justified, given her pain level), then why shouldn't welfare recipients be required to take the same sort of tests?
It would seem to me. It would be easy enough to get a handle on this. Step one. Stop giving out cash or cash cards. Open up food banks and let the family come get food there. This would create jobs and also make it a pain in the butt to get the food. If you didn't really need the food you would be less likely to go to the food bank. Housing assistance dollars. Stop paying peoples rents besides emergency fund dollars. After 6 months of emergency funds you will be given housing at the newly created dorm style housing units. Cameras and police will be stationed there. You will not get your own apartment but will be provided a warm safe police for you and your family to sleep. If you break the law there you will arrested and we will find you a cell. Food kitchen will serve meals at the dorm style housing.
actually, that sounds fair enough. and unpleasant enough to make people not want to be there. that's the thing, we make government housing and assistance feel like you have a normal job, and people don't care to get off of it. i guarantee, if welfare was like the army, they'd try to get another job, lol.
Human beings will almost always take the path of LEAST RESISTANCE. We have to to make actually working the path of least resistance as compared to sitting around demanding a handout....
Drug testing is invading their privacy and the rest violates their civil rights. I cannot believe y'all would deny these folks their piece of the American Dream. Would deny them the basic comforts you demand. They are every bit entitled to it as all of you are. :sarcasm:


from my dunce stool via tapatalk
Drug test? are u kidding me! thats absurd!

we cant make these free loaders accountable and responsible. I mean what kind of example would that set to their 6 kids? what a crazy idea! wat happened to :brave: in America.....:whistle:
+1 one the alcohol. And you dang right they should be tinkle testing them. The should also make them make jobs contacts like the unemployment people do.

sent from G2 via tapatalk.

Hey I gotta pee to get the job that pays for thier welfare.
I would go one step further and demand any Female on Welfare to prove they are on some sort of Birth Control. There are Generations upon Generations of Freeloaders that will allways take the welfare route. Why Not ? there parents did it so it's OK !! We as a society Need to stop catoring to this type of behavior. Stop Rewarding Mediocrity and start Encouraging Work Ethic. America Needs to stop believeing in these Bleeding Hart Liberals that want "Change" . All they do is Enable People into believing they Need help.

Hey I gotta pee to get the job that pays for thier welfare.

Your lucky! The job I have now does a hair test. Can't speak for women but men they shave 2 small spots on the chest.

from my dunce stool via tapatalk

They are called Poverty Pimps and they have gotten rich from pushing mediocrity.

from my dunce stool via tapatalk
why stop there?
we have a unemployment problem. hire millions of gestapo, um i mean police, and we can just force everyone to get a job.
if they don't show up to the job they have been assigned, well 3 strikes and we can just have them euthanized.
the poor should also be sterilized if they are found to be defective or of no productive use to society. we can't have these people breeding.
we can also employ a lot of "true Americans" to monitor all forms of communication for any legal infraction.
if the people are not going to be a part of the "solution", THEY are the problem, and must be dealt with.

YES, a nice, well organized, police state would be much better for all of us.

Well, it is certainly true that poor people on welfare almost exclusively breed nothing but more poor people to go on welfare, so your idea actually has a lot of merit, Red.

FWIW, I would be more than happy to live in a conservative military dictatorship. Unfortunately, police states/military dictatorships are nearly always Leftist in their leanings.
Well, it is certainly true that poor people on welfare almost exclusively breed nothing but more poor people to go on welfare, so your idea actually has a lot of merit, Red.

Certainly true hmmm? Where did you get that statistic?
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