Does anybody need this?


Okay, this isn't actually my first ride on this bike, i have ridden it a few times before over short distances, but only having ridden my SV650 35~40 miles this year (speedo broken, odo doesn't register, reads 0) This being a 20 mile ride is the longest of the season.

First off I am comming from an SV650. I have been yearning for a new motorcycle over the entire winter and with spring comming I am getting more and more ancy to pick out a new mount... One of the bikes that I am strongly considering is the Hayabusa... It just so happens that I have a buddy that owns one and wouldn't you know it he has been storing his bike in my garage. After many requests (okay, I was begging) he allowed me (actually, he just finally gave in) to take his bike to work this morning to see what i thought of the bike. The very first thing I noticed out of the bat was how much different the hydralic clutch is verse my cable clutch on the SV. That took a few stop lights to get used to. After a quick stop at the gas station for so much needed tire pressure I was off. My what a difference (for those of you who have not yet taken your bikes out of the garage for the winter, CHECK YOUR TIRE PRESSURE) I quickly got used to the throttle and was comfortable to hit the on ramp at 10 over the suggested speed (no valentino rossi #### by any means, but give me a break it was only 41 degrees when I left my house) As soon as I straightened the bike out, I was very gently rolling on the throttle out of the turn (like I always do) and by the time I was straight up and down I was already keeping up with traffic (from 45~65) I quickly toed the switch gear into the next selection and as I did I gave the throttle a slight roll and once again was shocked by the clutch (engagement MUCH latter then my SV) The rest of the ride on the highway was very uneventful, pretty much a staight shot down a 6 lane super slab. At one point I wanted to get into a blind spot free section of the middle land and rolled on the throttle in fifth gear at about 70. The speedometer swept past 100 in what I swear was only four or five car lengths... (not out of control fast, the car in front of me was doing 80 (or that is what the speedometer read when I was pacing him at a safe distance)

so after that long review, I ask just a simple question... DOES ANYBODY need this much horsepower? And do I really want it?

p.s. I posted this on another generic motorcycle website, and just copied my post over here, curious to see the opinions of the you 'busa folk
The short answers...

YES! And yes...
I picked up My busa yesterday and i love it rides smooth and if it doesn't rain today i'm going to go for a little ride (100-200 miles or so)

After riding him home i can say it is a great bike

Do you need that much horsepower, yes better to have it when you need it , than





If you have to ask, then your'e not ready for a Busa
I don't know if I agree with this statement. Never did I say I wasn't in full control of the motorcycle. Never once did I feel anything but confidence aboard the motorcycle. But I believe this question is truely a testiment of the power of the busa. And never before did I realize what it was I was riding until just now...

, and when you get use to it you'll be able to use it when needed or wanted. That's like saying do I need a 450 HP Bently, No I don't ! But would I like to have one, YES I WOULD !  
As a matter of fact, I'm currently in search of a little more power.....that carpenter "turn key 200 hp/ $2700" deal is haunting me...
No. No one NEEDS that much power. The busa will exceed most states speed limits in the blink of an eye. That said, everyone WANTS that much power (and from the replies above, some want even more). Buy one and you will quickly discover what had previously been missing in every bike you have ever owned or ridden. The busa is magical!
No.  No one NEEDS that much power.  The busa will exceed most states speed limits in the blink of an eye.  That said, everyone WANTS that much power (and from the replies above, some want even more).  Buy one and you will quickly discover what had previously been missing in every bike you have ever owned or ridden.  The busa is magical!
Do you NEED that much horsepower?

I hope that I never NEED it - but I do think of it as "potential" - much like the overall agility of any sportbike (the 'busa is no Gixxer, but compared to anything else with near it's size, it's very agile)

That "potential" can either get you into trouble quick, or get you out of trouble quick - it all depends on how well you ride and the decisions you make.

I will ALWAYS want that potential, just incase I ever need it - oh, and it's more fun than the law should allow, too