D&D exhaust


Sooo... for those of you who have put D&D bolt ons onto your Busas... are they really as loud and obnoxious as people say they are? How do they compare to, say, Yoshi race cans? I'm just curious to see if they will annoy me into taking them off after a while and/or attract too much unwanted attention from the black-and-whites.

I had a D&D full system on the busa and then got a unbeatable deal on the yosh system. When I had the D&D's on it was a louder than the yosh but with the full system it was really deep. I liked them but with the airshifter I could not run the duals. If anyone is interested I was thinking about selling them for 350 plus shipping. They are 7-800 new. If anyones interested pm me.
I've only had D&D slipons, as compared to stock and I love them.  You'll find any after market pipe will alert the authorities when you're in the area.  More importantly they alert the cages when I'm in the area.  I love rolling up to a red light and making my presence known with a little twist of the wrist.  You should see the heads in cars turning to locate that monster LOL..

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Postal has them and his do not seem all that loud to me, nothing unusually loud I would say. I don't think any slip-ons (well bolt-ons technically) on a Busa can be all that loud because of the restrictive nature of the stock midpipe. In fact, I have heard that without cans at all it is not that loud for that very reason.
i have the D&D 4:2 system is pretty loud but i think the 4:1 system is louder but i like the yosh sound little better the D&D is real raspy sounding but it gets attention
not always the good kind
i have the D&D CF bolt-ons (thanks again MSF!), and i LOVE the low gutteral sound compared to stock.
My D&D 4:2 gets the gators and other critters off the road when I'm on the throttle. They've got a deep sound that's a bit different from the 4:1 systems. However, I'd like to find a better 4:1 system in the future.
if it is a slip on it will be no louder than takeing your sotckcans off. if it is a full system then save your money they are worthless
For what it's worth(less), my bike did pull past 10,500 rpm in 6th w/stock gearing & the D&Ds - do the math.
I have a friend with D&D's on his ZX and holy crap are they loud! You do not want to be close behind someone with those bad boys wailing!
i used to ride with a buddy from whom i bought the D&Ds.
i couldn't hear myself. Now with the D&Ds, I don't only feel the power but I hear it!
yeah try to take a picture of me when I am doing 150.
some people don't have to money to increase the performance of their bike and we have to make some compromise.
I think that after the double bubble, the bolt on should come on.
If you have more dough, of course you should go with the full system.
I don't think that I notice an increase of power with mine except that the bike seems to respond quicker at low speed.