Cagers that change lanes without looking

Wow!  Good that your okay.  You were paying close attention and it might have saved you from pain (or worst).  Yeah, as many have already said, you are INVISIBLE out there.  Expect the unexpected (and stupidly foolish).

Keep the rubber side down.
I was in a harley shop and saw a set of air horns, how cool would that be for these blind dickheads?
I want a set of Train horns for my 1 ton, if you cant knock them off the road when they cut you off, blow the windows out!
Had a lady the other day draft me like the backstretch of Datona, so I sped up changed lanes and slowed down thinking she would pass and be gone, WRONG... Noticed the Nissan emblem in my left mirror AGAIN. Not happy with her choice of using me as a clearing vehicle I sped up and tried to get out of her way but everytime I looked she was right behind me, like this was some kind of game. I finally slowed way down in the right lane and she cuts the back of my baby with just enough room to get a big dog through. She got the obligitory "You're #1 with me" gesture and let her go. Point being that sometimes it's just a very agressive driver who doesn't care about anything but getting to their shrink appointment that they are late for so they can figure out why they are so miserable
(I feel much better now...) This is not to bash the ladies because I've had the male cheezy night dwellers all strung out from a night of partying barely stopping behind me at a light on my way to work. There are all kinds out there and the problem is that they either don't see us or don't care who else is on the road...
Glad you did not become another statistic. To all out there PLEASE keep your wits about you and polish up the crytal ball because it could be the only thing to keep you around for your family.

I've had other cagers drift into my lane when I'm in my cage, so it's no suprise they do it to me when I'm on the 'Busa. I try to be "staggered" in front of or behind drivers in other lanes if possible for that reason. Expect stupidity and you will not be disappointed.

Don't be afraid to lay on that horn if you need to.

Glad you're OK.
naw, just ride faster! Beware of any large american car with no visible driver at the wheel. Sometimes you can detect a few sprouts of hair just above the headrest, (usually ear hair)....when behind them, if you watch close, you will see the "drift pattern" and be able to pass on the right hand drift. The thing you have to get use to is one or both turn signals will be on all the time. Doesn't mean their turning unless there is a Ihop close by....




Yup, same thing happened to me today also, but the driver was a young guy. Drive like you're invisible and always EXPECT cagers to drift into your lane; that way you're ready to take evasive action, either defensively OR offensively, depending on the situation.
happens to me also. but i find that cagers ride in packs like dogs. more time than not i can always find a nice void between to packs,and keep them behind me. but i always ride like they cant see me. just my .02
while back
on the interstate
2 lanes coming around a sweeper curve
soccer mom SUV yappin on her cell
no signal, no look
just easing on over
congested traffic-nowhere to go(me in the left lane-no shoulder)
too late to brake, I'm in her blind spot now
I take the 6" space between the grass(guardrail) & the solid line
get up to her window
she swerves over frantically...flashin her lights at me
it all happened in like 3-5 secs
seemed like longer tho
This is exactly why they teach you not to stay in any other driver's blind spot for an extended period of time- Keep movin'.

It's also why I ride my bike like a gaddam paranoid schizophrenic..

and is why everytime I slid a helmet over my head it's like "Going To Church"...

the church of "Ultra-Awareness".
On the way home tonight, some slob on a cell phone changed lanes right in front of us. My wife went sprinting around the right side and I split lanes on his left. Pulled up next to him and gave him the old finger wave (not THAT finger!) and the naughty naughty headshake like an off-duty cop might have done.

Shoulda seen the terrified look on his face as he stared back at me in terror. His muttly looking wife and kids were just as terrified.

Hate to be a terrorist on the freeways but that azzhat deserved to know he effed up.

Dirtbag in the extreme.

while back
on the interstate
2 lanes coming around a sweeper curve
soccer mom SUV yappin on her cell
no signal, no look
just easing on over
congested traffic-nowhere to go(me in the left lane-no shoulder)
too late to brake, I'm in her blind spot now
I take the 6" space between the grass(guardrail) & the solid line
get up to her window
she swerves over frantically...flashin her lights at me
it all happened in like 3-5 secs
seemed like longer tho
Dont you HATE the morons that do the stupid chit then glare at you and blink the lights, and give the bird when they are caught f'ing up?

Do any of you guys live in states where it is legal to carry an handgun? Have you ever seen anyone in a cage brandish one?
I thought I saw one in Vancouver......err I mean Honcouver once, but was a couple lanes over and couldnt be sure. If I had confirmed it, I would have smashed into him and waited for the police to come get the corpse.

Now where can I hide the Glock on the busa........j/k.

I really want a set of air horns, but where does a guy mount them, and how do you run the compressor?
Just to throw in my experience the other day. Drivers that don't look aren't confined to Florida. I am in Colorado and the other day I am in the right hand lane at a stop light since just past the light it turns into a 3 lane. As I go through the light with a truck on my left a lady is turning right onto my street. Now her lane is controlled with a concrete merge island and her lane has a solid white strip for about 300 feet but as soon as she gets past the concrete she starts coming over the solid white line right at me. I had about 2 feet on my right from her bumper and about 2 feet on the left next to the truck. I sped up and flipped her off (sorry natural reaction once clear) If I had been slower or she had been faster I would have been the meat between the bread.
Glad that you made it through your episode with out getting taken out.