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Busa on Killboy's front page

sock? who cares,they will come right off with the sneakers...you need boots bro and if you ever take a spill like i have already ,then you will wish you had gloves on,I know i was glad i had em on,werent worth sh!t afterwards but had all the skin intact still
so far they only have Helmets, jackets, and mirror block-off's for the GEN II Busa...
Nice pic, nice Busa.... But explain the chaps

And the other pic in this string... no gloves, no boots

Oh well, at least they have lids on.

If they were to go down in '09 Hillary's medical plan will have them covered.... oh God, it's time to start looking for a new country to live in.
Pics of the bikes is cool! The gear on the other hand . . . not so much.
I was wondering if those were chaps.  I wasn't try'n to look that hard lol
chaps= YUK
Uhhhh...picture one: They're about to do a little "fairing repair"....and who cares, she's reasonably well-geared...."critics"...beats a thong and spikes...."HELLooooooo

Now....picture two : "He thinks he LOOKS good, and he thinks he is WELL GEARED........SQUID.....if ya ain't...YA AIN'T...if ya IS...YA IS !!!!!!

What's that on the 06 rearveiw mirror ?

That pic.(06 LE) was put up to make sure no one forgot what the fastest color was !!
Fastest Color
??.......You SIR are "delusional".....seek professional help NOW...RIGHT NOW !!!!
"I'll wait......"
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