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Bike ramp.


Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none.
Donating Member
Apr 3, 2005
I have to take my bike to get serviced but have no ramp to get it up on my truck just yet. I'm not sure if I want to make one out of 2x8s or simply buy one. The thing is no matter which route I decide to take, I would prefer it be one I can walk the bike up (with help from the throttle of course) and down on my own. I just have a hard time trusting someone to help me hold up a 500 pound / $11,000 bike. What I thought about doing was buying 4 2x8s. Connect 2 of them with 3 or so door hinges which will be used for the bike and place the other 2 on each side to place my feet on. Sounds good?

If you have made one of such please let me know how you went about doing it. If you have purchased one, let me know where I can find it and how much was it.

Thanks to all in advance...

The truck is a Silverado so its kinda high.
I also have a silverado 4 wheel drive. I bought the big boy ramps from motorcycle ramps.com. They cost me $450 but I can ride the bike up into the truck and I walk it off ( I have short legs) no problem by myself no problem. I used wood ramps before and even with another guy helping almost lost it when one of the ramps slipped.
i use a 8' mason plank with a peice of steel plate on the tailgate side,it extends about 4'' past the plank,i put a little bend in it to match the angle and secured it with 4 carrige bolts,i cut the other end of the plank on a 45,very solid and very secure,my truck isn't very high,so i just use 1 ramp
I've done the homemade route myself and I can vouch for its effectiveness. I was really nervous about the weight of myself and the bike on the boards so I doubled up with 2x6s staggered on top of 2x4s. It was probably a bit of overkill but it was definitely sturdy enough. The main thing is to make sure the boards are long enough. I'd go for 10 foot boards as the 8 foot ones I used made it pretty steep. I think putting a base of 2x boards and overlapping them with 1x boards where the bike will hit the ramp would probably work just fine. The hinges should work fine. The only downside to all this is that with all the wood you're going to have a really heavy ramp.
Forget the time and trouble of building something. Check this out:

the problem in the design with those style of ramps is a human leg fits in those holes.  If one were to slip while loading/unloading a heavy bike your leg can go through the hole and the bike can tip over on you not only fuggin your bike up but could majorly injure you.
How about using that ramp but placing 2 2x8s on each side as I originally intended for my feet. Would that work? I'm asking that because this is the first ramp I have seen under $300. And its not like its just under $300 ... its $120 which really has me considering it.

Or maybe placing a layer of plywood over each of the 3 sections of the ramp?

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I have that trifold ramp, its really not long enough for my avalanche, but its even higher than the silverado. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it, might try the plywood thing but probably have to get something longer for it. Definately have to figure that out before summer, since I plan on putting the busa in the bed for the drive to CO
I have that trifold ramp, its really not long enough for my avalanche, but its even higher than the silverado.  Not sure what I'm gonna do with it, might try the plywood thing but probably have to get something longer for it.  Definately have to figure that out before summer, since I plan on putting the busa in the bed for the drive to CO
Does the bottom of the 'Busa scrape as you're getting the front wheel on the bed or you haven't tried yet?
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