Been on and off the ORG due to moving, building, reorganizing, and a 1 wk trip!


Donating Member
Hey Orgsters:

Been on and off the Org for the last 4weeks, with the last week being totally gone in another country. The first 3 weeks has been a slam fest for me of work after work. I had a week and a half to move Karen out of her home, and into mine. During that process, I had to build a attic (For Storage) in 2 nights and 1/2 a day in 100F weather. That other half of my day was to help the guys installing the new fence for the dogs, due to crazy weather during this time. So everyday after work, was leave for Karen's home. Load up truck and trailer. Head home to unload all items. Figure out where the hell things go or temporarily put it some where. Ran out of space and had to make more room (attic). Then after her home was cleared out, we had to pick it up and clean everything per the mortgage. Then once that was all done, we had a day to prepare for our 1 week trip to El Dorado Maroma, Mexico (35-40 miles south of Cancun, Mexico). Sorry guys, I turned my phone off for a week. Vabs texted Karen to see if I was still alive, which she replied back. Her phone was off til mid week. We both got back around 8 pm August 18. This was suppose to me our Honey Moon, but turned out to be our pre-Honey Moon! The mortgage company dragging their a$$ to settle the paper work has postponed our getting married. Still not sure when that is going to happen! Ever since I got back I have been very busy playing catch up with the yard, small loose ends with the attic, getting the house straight from the animals, laundry, and still getting our things settled and moved around the house from her move in. So if I seem to be hit or miss at times, its because I am busy. Pm me, text me, or call me!

Later all!

LOL How true!
Pics or none of it happened :whistle:


Welcome back señor

Everything will work out Tim, Sounds like you got a lot of weight on your shoulders but you know the old saying
Weight broke the wagon, But Time fixed it.
You two have the rest of you life to get things straight around the house. Play a little with each other while doing things and it will all be done before you know it.
Tell Karen I'm so sorry I bothered you both while on the know how the gang starts to worry around here if you the MIA. ;)

via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Nice pre moon :laugh: Come on brother you love staying busy. Best of luck on all things. We did need your input on a Lithium battery thread :whistle:
sounds like you've been staying out of trouble, glad it is all coming together :beerchug:
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