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Another PAIR question


Dec 11, 1999
I spoke with Two Brothers and they told me that their 4-2-1 system can be installed without removing the PAIR valve, however they did recomended removing it. They stated that the pipe would work better with the PAIR removed. My question is: Other than weight savings is there any reason to remove the PAIR valve if the after market exhaust will fit without its removal? An earlier thread stated that there was no HP gain by removing the PAIR only weight savings. Why would the pipe "work better" with the PAIR removed?
getting ready to put on aftermarket exhaust myself so try to forget my technical skills are incomplete...what is a PAIR valve?
it pumps cold air into the exhaust remove it and cap the hole plenty on thread on this I am having some cheap cover plates make should have shortly,
I have already removed it and am waiting to get my exhaust system. I'm just wanting to know if there is any benefit to removing it other than weight savings. The guy I spoke with from Two Bros. seemed to think that the system would work better without it. I'm just trying to find out why it would work better without it. Nothing in previous threads explains this. Thanks
Removing it saves weight, but also eliminates 99% of the popping and cracking when you back off the throttle. Bummer is you'll no longer get those fabulous blue flames at night.
Dragon - the PAIR will not improve engine performacne. This is injecting air into the exhaust to reduce smog.

When you replace your exhaust, it will backfire (provides a nice blue flame at night). Removing/blocking the operation of the PAIR will fix this.

BTW, the PAIR with all bolts, hoses, brackets is 36 oz.
Thanks for the info. I thought the back firing refered to in earlier threads was caused by not blocking off the airbox connections after the PAIR was removed. If the PAIR itself is causing the back firing I'll just leave it off, install the block offs, and cap the air box connections.

Thanks Jeff (and Hayaboosa) for clearing this up.
i just made my own block offs out of the stock air tube plates . took all of about 5-10 minutes . cost $0.00
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