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Alton brown had an accident

Saw the trailer for the new show last night.  There he is with an IV in the hospital talking through obvious pain about how he learned the first fast food was Chuck Wagons and they later turned into railroad diners, etc.

To top it off, he then says, "When in the hospital the best food is always the Jell-O"

Are you just funnin' or did you really see that (with him it wouldn't surprise me one bit)?
Oh, and since I'm a meticulous (anal retentive) chef wanna-be myself, I Tivo his shows to catch the ones I've missed.

I've always seen his BMW motorcycle in his garage on his shows. With the gaining popularity of his show "Good Eats" he probably thought, "I never have time to ride, so why not take the show with me on the ride?" Very novel, indeed.

Looking forward to seeing the new show.
I'm not funnin; I really did see it.  I was amazed that he taped it while in the hospital and it was already on the air.  

Found the video on their website

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Saw the trailer for the new show last night.  There he is with an IV in the hospital talking through obvious pain about how he learned the first fast food was Chuck Wagons and they later turned into railroad diners, etc.

To top it off, he then says, "When in the hospital the best food is always the Jell-O"

Are you just funnin' or did you really see that (with him it wouldn't surprise me one bit)?
I'm not funnin; I really did see it.  I was amazed that he taped it while in the hospital and it was already on the air.  

The trailer was shown during some other show (don't remember which) but it was just right before Good Eats.

After Good Eats of course it's Rachel and $40/day.
I'll have to be on the lookout for that spot w/ Alton.

I can do w/out Rachel Ray and her $40.
Don't have to be on the lookout; I posted it up just above
Don't have to be on the lookout; I posted it up just above

You da man, thanks. How can you not respect a guy who continues his show from the hospital after crashing his ride?

What's ironic is that he stated during the original promo that he would be travelling on the less travelled roads of America and off the Interstates. I saw him in the promo with his bike in the background on a non-paved road and I was thinking he'd better watch his arse on those kinds of roads. Probably was using a highway tire when he should have been using some type of Enduro tire.
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