alisyn 0w20


Ok. please don't flame me for not doing a search first but I am at work and this pc is slower then heck. I went to Brocks offier today. He is just a couple of miles from my house. So me and my buddy rode our bikes down there and asked them about getting some stuff done to our busas. Any way The subject of oil came up and they said that just about all the oil out there was no longer all that great for a bike anymore because the oil companies have changed the formulas to make them better to comply with newer engine requirements on exhaust systems or whatever. Any way, they now suggest for street use to use Alisyn 0w20 synthetic for everyday street use and then to use heavier grade for racing and so forth. If anyone else but these guys had told me that I would have laughed right in thier face. But now more then ever I am confused. I have been using mobile 1 mx4t for 24k miles. the idea of going from 10w40 to 0w20 seems completly insane!!!!!!I am going to have to do some real soul searching here on this subject but in the end I might just have to put my trust in the experts, and i dont know who is better in this field than these guys.

Any thoughts on this?
Not all of the oils have changed to comply. Companies like Silkolene or Motorex are still making their top line synthetic motorcycle oils the way that they should. As for Brocks expertise, I would definetly place a lot of credibility in what he recommends.
taking someone's word on oil,HELL NO!!!!!!!!!! don't give a damn who say's it.been doing this crap for too many years.I'll have to see it for something else.
You said <div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
"I have been using mobile 1 mx4t for 24k miles."[/quote]
How is your machine running? Any changes or hesitations? If it aint broke...
Brock know his shid and I use Amsoil another oil recommended by the man himself.
This is my 2'nd oil change with full syn. Mobile 1 (from the dealer) Should I be using something else ?
Heck Rhythm.......I was hoping someone read that post.  "Well done Bruddah !!".
Im not having any problems at all using mx4t but it is getting harder to find around here so im just keeping my options open more then anything. Its just that these guys suggested using this oil. I don't think they are trying to pull one over on me just to make a buck or anything. It is so confusing to me. This oil thing is like quantum physics or something. It really shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Any way im considering the change but I think that I will stick with what I have until I cant find it around here anymore then I will change.
Depending on your definition of street riding I would be extremely hesitant to run 0W oil on the street. If you are trying to get max power out of your bike at the strip or on a dyno sure but what do I know. I didn't even slepp in a Holiday in last night.
No disrespect to anyone...

But if you ask a question to a drag racer... you get a drag racing answer.
That's fine if your drag racing but...

Start with your manufcaturer's recommended than adjust from there based on your local tamps. Just my .02.
The 0 is the oil weight when cold, the 20 when hot. (my Turbo Charged GTI calls for 0w40 if I use Mobil 1)Use what makes you happy. Everyone always has their favorite that makes them feel good, but in reality, hardly anyone has oil related issues or break downs. I like the Rotella 5w40 full synth from Walmart. One gallon goes for $16.
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