a local bike night


Donating Member
Went to a bike night in a nearby smaller town where they block off the entire downtown square! I had no idea we had such a big event going on here. For you big city people small towns here all have a square with a park/courthouse/police station in it, and MOST of the original towns business went up around this square, so all the businesses look like the old west all two stories tall butted up next to each other... anyway, I rode down with a friend of mine, he on his Harley, me on my Busa - it's 99 percent Harley event but I saw a couple sportbikes around.

The town square was FILLED with bikes lining up both sides of all four streets, some in the middle and also lining up both sides of the entrance roads on each exterior block! I could not believe the turnout. HUGE! And tehy do this monthly: food, drinks, live music, some shops selling junk, the whole deal. Here's some pics. Next time I'll bring a wide angle lens and try to get up higher to see the whole square

My buddy rolling his Harley

west side of square - town center behind the trees on the right. the empty pavement was soon withed with more bikes and people

and adjecent street, south of square. I am certain people came from all the bigger small towns in a 50 mile radius

some girls dance for money, others for charity, these for both! Pretty!

The guy in the blue shirt is named Zeek and this was the first time he was allowed in public. He'd never seen a "woomahn" before but luckily the police were nearby to apprehend when he dropped his coolie to the ground, began drooling, and charged toward them with hands stretched out in front. Not pretty!


why didn't you call me and invite me along!!!!!!!! I woulda rode down there for that
caught some gawkers nearby when we were ready to leave. pretended it was not mine so we didn't scare them off:

boy to dad: "... it says 180!! "
me: " aah that's not fast"
us: "hahahahaha"

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why didn't you call me and invite me along!!!!!!!! I woulda rode down there for that
well it was 99% Harley's for one thing.
I don't stay at these things very long since I get too itchey to be riding. we stayed maybe 45 minutes walked once around the square and took off. nice night for riding though. I think teh last one is coming up next month... I think.. my buddy will let me know. I think it might be on a saturday

here's the town square. not that anyone besides me really cares. I just thought this pic was neat

here's the town square.  not that anyone besides me really cares.  I just thought this pic was neat  
man you weren't kidding when you said you were gonna get a little higher and use the wide angle were you..


man i'm on a roll..

15 posts and not one that had anything constructive to add to the threads.

somebody pinch me i'm dreamin'
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