A good read, IMO a needed read for the


Off we go, into the wild blue yonder...
Donating Member
With the new riding season apon most of us I thought this story from Motorcyclist was a great read.  I figured it was worth sharing so i scaned it and uploaded it to photobucket to share with ya'll.  I hope the image is good enough for you folks to read it.  Let me know if it isnt and i'll see what i can do...

Actually a great article especially for those of us who KNOW we have skillz the Busa can't match!
Sadly, this will probably be acknowledged by the veterans and ignored by the beginners.
shoot i know my skills are "ok". i've been riding for 8 years, 7 of those on a harley. my style is "cruising". i now push myself ever so slightly to "learn" on the busa.
I'm in the same boat... re-learning everything I thought I knew... I read that mag cover to cover just a few days ago - lots of good stuff to learn or refresh your memory...
good read, at 47 I've been scared more than once on the Busa. Still learning how to ride her, she's fine, my skillz are what's lacking and occasionally common sense.
(DAB @ Mar. 23 2007,17:16) Sadly, this will probably be acknowledged by the veterans and ignored by the beginners.
Your right but if i can get one
to read it... i'll sleep better at night!
At least you pups are young enough to heal easily....

I need a handful of Motrin just to get going in the morning.

But once I manage to throw a leg over the bike, I'm in my 20's again!

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