A Big Favour [everyone read! it's an order ;]]

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Thank you vic e55. I think I will. Goota get a few more bling pieces on it and I'll reshoot the pic. I gotta figure out how to put that pic doodad on my post doo-dad.
I think Suzanne is gone now. I hope she comes back. There's so much I want to share with her, so much I have to give. Goodbye Suzanne, goodbye.
After reading all been said after she left I afraid we lost her...
cashe... could you please delete every post after she left?

just kidding...
ohhhh one more thing....
I think this tread should be sticky, so everyone could see how funny we are..

Big, mean, manly/feminine Busa owners against little Polish/Nigerian girl/boy....
If you think this was fun check out the 03hayabusa, spotless post in the forsale forum.
If you think this was fun check out the 03hayabusa, spotless  post in the forsale forum.
It was fun for me... If somebody stupid wanted to pass their money to somebody else..... well...
I never get something for nothing... If somebody believe in that .... fine with me... they deserved to be tricked..

I did not seen a single proof that this individual a scam artist.
"Innosent until prooven guilty" would you agree?
Damn, I missed out on this thread... And I speak and write Polish...

Here is my .02

1. What she wrote in Polish just said that she doesn't understand how she could scam people, and that she really does need this for her thesis project.
2. Her Polish writing was flawless, internet translation software doesn't come close, trust me on that one, I know English, French and Polish, all translation software sux.
3. She is way too adament about getting pics the legit way, and receiving premission to use them. A university would be tight azz about this stuff, specifically a business school. She could have just searched the board and stole hundreds of our pics...
4. I am a net. admin as well so I feel your weariness about scamms and scammers... I would definitely want more info from her, and being able to speak the same language, I am sure I could get us more legit answers... My hunch is that this MAY be legit.

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I added shid to my previous post above, didn't think ya guyz were up so late  

I just noticed she said it was 2:30am... Poland is like 8hrs+ from Central time, that seems WAY off!!! At 10PM CST it would be 6am in Poland

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How do we know you're even in Poland?
You can check my IP number. Or you can translation this: Naprawdę chce wykorzystać zdjęcia w pracy zaliczeniowej. Nie rozumiem takiego zachowania innych użytkowników ale wyjaśnia mi to wasza nieufność. Bardzo mi zależy na zdjęciach motoru z tych roczników dlatego proszę o pomoc gdyż w Polsce jest ich niewiele.
roughly translated:

<span style='color:blue'>Translation:

Really, it wants to take advantage photos in work zaliczeniowej. I do not understand such behavior of other user but it explains your distrust me. So, please, it depends on photos of motors from these age groups (year-books) about assistance very me because it is in poland a few.</span>

guess I missed out on the good stuff. Oh well...happy huntin!
Prosze przetlumaczyc swojemu przelozonemu tresc tego listu., bede bardzo wdzięczna za okazana pomoc.
Sprawa wyglada nastepujaco. Jestem studentka IV roku Politechniki Szczecinskiej Wydzialu Informatyki na kierunku Zarzadzanie i Inzynieria Produkcji o specjalizacji Wydawnictwa. W zwiazku z obrana specjalizacja mam do wykonania prace zaliczeniowa z przedmiotu Sklad Komputerowy. Jako temat pracy wybralam Hayabuse, na prace beda skladac sie dwa plakaty.
W zwiazku z tym potrzebuje zdjec motoru w roznych perspektywach aby latwiej bylo mi dopasowac zdjecie do pomyslu jaki mam na plakat. Prosze rowniez przekazac, ze jesli sie zdecyduje ten Pan udostepnic mi zdjecia swojego motoru bedzie musial napisac krotka informacje, ze wyraza zgode na wykorzystanie przeze mnie tych zdjec w pracy, ale to juz dokladniej napisze jak wyrazi zgode.
Zuzanna Ziemniak



Please translate to your friend the contents of this letter. I will be very thankful for your help.

The situation is a follows:

I am a 4th year student at the (name of town) {Szczecinskiej} branch of the Information Polytechnic Trade School. In defending my thesis, my assignment is centered around then make up (use) of computers. As a subject topic, I chose the Hayabusa, and I wish to design two posters. Because of my choice, I will require pictures of bikes in different perspectives (settings) so that I can chose the pics for the ideas I have for my posters. Please also relay that if you decide to forward me the pics of your bike, you will need to provide a written approval notice for the use of those pics in my thesis posters, but I can provide the exact text of the disclaimer


Zuzanna Ziemniak
Her e-mail to me:

I can wrrite to you in polish that will be better and mayby you will
more understand.
by the way my brother study in Torun:]

Nie przypuszcza³am, ze mój post mo¿e byæ tak odebrany. Nie wiedzia³am,
¿e takie rzeczy maja miejsce mo¿e dlatego, ¿e w Polsce jeszcze na to
nie wpadli:] Przepraszam je¶li kogo¶ tym urazi³am na forum gdybym
wiedzia³a, ¿e to wywo³a takie emocje.........Mój angielski w pi¶mie
jak pewnie zauwa¿y³e¶ nie jest najlepszy lepiej mi idzie mówienie:] Co
poniektórych postów w ogóle nie zrozumia³am zw³aszcza od Mr. Brown
zbyt wiele umiejêtnej znajomo¶ci jêzyka ode mnie wymaga³ podczas
Mo¿e wiêcej szczegó³Ã³w studiuje na Politechnice Szczeciñskiej na
Wydziale Informatyki kierunek Zarz±dzanie i In¿ynieria Produkcji o
specjalizacji Wydawnictwa. W ramach przedmiotów ¶ci¶le zwi±zanych z
moj± specjalizacj± w tym przypadku jest to Sk³ad Komputerowy musze
opracowaæ projekt. Tematyk± mojego projektu jest w³a¶nie Hayabusa (w
sumie to zaczynam w±tpiæ czy dobrze wybra³am ze wzglêdu na brak
dostêpu do zdjêæ). Na prace bêd± siê sk³adaæ dwa plakaty. Jako ¿e nie
posiadam w³asnego motoru nie mogê porobiæ w³asnych zdjêæ, a na
wykorzystanie cudzych musze mieæ zgodê na pi¶mie. Pisa³am do ludzi w
Polsce prosz±c o zdjêcia, ale to niewielka liczba osób z nie tak du¿ym
zasobem motocykli wiêc zaczê³am szukaæ dalej po necie  i tak trafi³am
na Wasze forum. Zale¿y mi na zdjêciach z ró¿nej perspektywy, gdy¿ w
ten sposób ³atwiej bêdzie mi motor pó¼niej wkomponowaæ w t³o.
Chêtnie udzielê jeszcze dodatkowych informacji.


I don’t think that my post was received very well, I didn’t realize that such things occur (scams) I don’t think that people in Poland have caught on to this yet :o)  I didn’t know this would elicit such an emotional outbreak  and offended anyone on the forum… My written English, as I noticed is not the greatest, however, my spoken is much better :o)
After a few posts I didn’t comprehend Mr. Brown’s comments as they contained a lot of conversational slang which I don’t understand.

I am doing my studies at the Polytech school of …. Included in the context of my studies and thesis is computer design and application.  For the topic of my project I chose the Hayabusa ( now I am reconsidering my choice due to lack of easy access to pics). For my project I want to make two posters.  Since I don’t own my own Hayabusa, I can’t use my own pictures, and to use others pics I require their explicit permission.  I wrote to people in Poland asking for pictures, but not to many had a busa, so I looked in the US and stumbled onto your forum.  I am seeking pics from different perspectives (angles?) this will allow me to pick and chose the pics so that I can incorporate them into my poster design… I will follow up with more info.



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I'm going to bed... I'll check back on this post tomorrow... ehhhem, later on today  
Yeah, I'm an insomniac...

PS, I e-mailed her back what do computers have to do with the busa

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