47.5 hours left as a single man...

yup it's getting close. Congrats and best wishes
now ya only have about 38.5 hours left
congrads and enjoy the honeymoon!
Under 24 hours and counting down...until Mrs Train gets to pick the color of the new ride...
Under 24 hours and counting down...until Mrs Train gets to pick the color of the new ride...congratulations to both of you in advance
Congrats Bro....

Now, NAIL DOWN or Bury everything yo uwant to keep hold of, and Remember the house stays in your name.


RUN!!!! RUNNNN!!!!!

Nah, Don't run Bro, Congrats and best of luck to you and the Future missus. Hopefully this means you'll be around here a little more often...
(Lazerblade @ Nov. 02 2006,12:flamethrowing:) Don't do it man.  If I have to do this to shock you back into sanity, I will.

Here goes.
WOW!!!!! The Barbie/Bikerfox tandem shot!!!

An instant classic!!
Thanks to all! 4 hours and counting now... More excited than nervous. Rehearsal went well last night. Probably won't post again until after the honeymoon. Anyway, thanks again for the well wishes and congrats. Wish all my friends from here could be at the wedding.