4 - 6 inches streched

I don't have pics of it on a bike, but I have a 4-6" 240 complete set-up for sale if you decide you are interested.

Most will suggest that 6 and under doesn't affect handling too adversely and they stay under the bodywork. More than 6 and things get a little more extreme which is exactly what some want. But you start getting into jackshafts etc when you stick things out there too far, On and also the more you extend your suspension, the more your rear shock starts getting taxed. You can run out of shock and need a new rear upgrade if you get out there very far.
Here is one of mine it is about 5 over in this pic.
I love the the 6" but this looks like it is very costly to get this look. What is all involved, and what would this cost in one were on a bit of a budget?
I love the the 6"  but this looks like it is very costly to get this look. What is all involved, and what would this cost in one were on a bit of a budget?
If you go with ext blocks you can look at between 150 to 250. Then ext rear brake line 50, Don't have too but lowering the bike rear about 50 front 150 for a triple tree, longer chain around 150. It can get exspensive quick but it does look sweet!
I have my own thoughts on handling, and unless you are building a canyon carver 4 inches over will not affect your ride in anyway.

Its actually more stable and smoother in my opinion.
I was 6 over initially, then 5, and now about 4. The longer I was the less traction I got - it was an issue even with a fresh Shinko. Pretty decent compromise now - but I do miss the handling of a stock bike.

About 4.25'' over in this pic. I hated it... (other then on the spray)

what did you  hate? the handling?
Bingo ! I am less then 1'' over now and the bike is a blast to ride. A bit more wheelie prone on the spray
....but i can live with that.
At only 4.5 over, your handling shouldn't of been affected much if any. When your hanging turns with an 11over bike, then turning is a problem.
Now I'm really start to worry about traction on mine when i put my arm on. 175lbs on a 10" stretch. Am I in trouble??