3 Lines or less, How are you doing.... an update

I can't complain! Got out of the military in '08 and hired for one of my dream jobs. Bought a new house and my wife had our first child in '09. 2010 has been to busy with work and kiddo to really do much else. Haven't touched the bike in months but my daughter/family is worth it. Looking forward to 2011, paying off another vehicle and being debt free (except house). I really want to order a TURBO just don't have the time to install/tune it right now. Thankful for everything...friends, family, health...truely BLESSED!

Let me know if you need anything. If I can get off work, I'll probably come out to help some folks... :beerchug:

I'm sure we can use all the help we can get. (2 of my brothers will also be going)

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I am in Freeland, MD in an overpriced campground. Can you believe $800 /month plus electric is a deal? Anyways, crappy wifi service and bored stupid. Lycan has turned off his phone so I can't bug him and I am looking for something to do. Suggestions?

Thats only cause I was on the plane:laugh:geez!

Thanks for stoppoing by yesterday and saving my winter:laugh::laugh:

>end threadjack<:thumbsup:
2010 was interesting. Returned from Afghanistan, got married, wife is now pregnant, baby boy do in february, sold my last motorcycle, sold the sports car, drive a truck, about to work a new job as management.. and scared as hell because life finally started!

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Life is good. The divorce should be over next month. Met a nice lady. Kids are doing great. I want to buy a house and a Busa next year.
2010 was interesting. Returned from Afghanistan, got married, wife is now pregnant, baby boy do in february, sold my last motorcycle, sold the sports car, drive a truck, about to work a new job as management.. and scared as hell because life finally started!

WOW!! that was fast.. congrats!
Just sold the trailer, moving next week to sunny warm Arizona, just bought a B-king and can't wait to drive it all over Arizona. Kids are off in college, and divorce modifications are done. Life is looking up, gonna be close to my family again.
2010 was interesting. Returned from Afghanistan, got married, wife is now pregnant, baby boy do in february, sold my last motorcycle, sold the sports car, drive a truck, about to work a new job as management.. and scared as hell because life finally started!

Dude that is a great picture..... You need to take the same picture every 5 years....
Ive been recovering from a broke leg from a skydiving accident back in September. I broke my femur, tibula and fibula and crushed my ankle. Now I have lots of metal in there. But its titanium so its light. Light weight = more power!:rulez:

I should get to walk again on December 21st. Can't wait!
2010 has unfolded into the reconciling of developmental/familial/relational/personal hardships. I'm very slowly realizing I am more than capable of being that person I want and feel I can be. Ironically, I feel so very alone while considering proposing to long time g/f....
great kids, great wife, our jobs are stable for the time being, what more could i ask for....
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