1500 Horsepower is a coming

Good luck. I don't think you'll ever hook with anything other than a slick on the track even with progressive boost. If your at full power when you shift second or maybe even third you'll be ice skating.
Compound boost is only good for semis and wow factor. Its a nightmare to tune and even though hellion claims they have it figured out I don't believe it. Twins will make better power and more reliability with less of a headache.
Posted via Mobile Device
Good luck. I don't think you'll ever hook with anything other than a slick on the track even with progressive boost. If your at full power when you shift second or maybe even third you'll be ice skating.
Compound boost is only good for semis and wow factor. Its a nightmare to tune and even though hellion claims they have it figured out I don't believe it. Twins will make better power and more reliability with less of a headache.
Posted via Mobile Device

Tim from Modular Powerhouse seems to have the compound boost builds down just fine. Your right about this car its going to be very nice but 99% not usable and the power is just there to know that you have it. Reading back who ever in the hell was asking about reliablity on these motors when pushed this far:rofl: do not even kid yourself...go do the searches on Joes Ford GT. Very cool build though and lots of freshening up in its future
good luck with the traction.... Might as well have got a porsche GT2 and get something reliable.

american cars - reliable??? HA