Аluminum welding or what?Strange problem!!!

I would be real surprised if this was all the way through...

Good luck~!~

I seen a pinhole in a 42" valve body once. Over an inch thick. Surprised us all. I'd be more surprised noone caught it until now and what caused them to check it.
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Dunno what made them break the pt out but doesn't look like it was applied right in the first place which easily can cause a false indication.

For a good test part should be cleaned with the solvent cleaner. Dried. Pt applied then allowed dwell time per man spec, then cleaned with solvent or water depending on pt. Then developed properly. Looks like almost all the steps were ignored except apply pt. Lol.
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yea not the best system for finding a leak.. crack yea, but an oil leak?

I had to spray the prop on the drag boat after every run...got pretty fast at cleaning, spraying wiping and spraying the indicator on..
We use it all the time for leak prevention. Stuff we can't x-ray usually get a bath or mag particle. What the gas co wants. Bad part about it is, its only as good as the person applying. I've got a whole sheet on techniques. They all on show surface indications. If the hole is washed over with a thin layer of metal, or clogged with something it won't show. But yea like you said a non pressure situation its pretty much worthless and even more so on a rough casting.

Take a sander and make it smooth then try again. Its only gonna show what is visible anyway. Have it x-rayed. lol.
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do you find it odd that he sprayed a hole like that and it did not flood out on to the indicator? seems like it would look like that gasket line where the indicator really came out of the seam...
I really can't see the pic. Small BB screen. There's a ton of penetrant still on the part which is sign 1 that it wasn't cleaned before it was slathered with developer.

The whole action is based on capillary action. That's why dwell time is important. It has to soak into in defect. Then surface is cleaned and before the penetrant dries inside defect the developer is applied and "draws" the penetrant out of the defect. In a lab it would make a very defined indication that should be visible to naked eye once you know what you looking for and where to look.

If dwell time was ignored or to long before developer applied or to much developer the indication would be much less defined. All in the method.
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