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"Volunteer" Corps

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It starts out "volunteer" to get people exposed to and use to the term and the idea. When people get "use" to the program they will hint at the idea of mandatory then finally impiment it.

It's scary whats going on. Only a few get to hear about it due to the mass media just taking dictation from the W H

I wish I could share half of what I'm learning.
I will add that I am confident that in President Obama's mind he is doing what he honsetly feels is best for this country. I was not and am not an Obama supporter, but everyone has to admit that President Obama did not take office and everything turned to crap.

Everything turned to crap before he took office. Nothing our government was doing prior to him becoming president was working.

This means that doing the same things as past administations were not going to accomplish much more.

While I personally am cringing at some, or alot of the decisions being made, for one, they are not JUST his decisions, they are a team of people working on this with him being the figure head.

And two, at least he is doing something and it isnt the same ol song and dance that has gotten us into this mess.

And to be honest, we got where we are today by certain policy's. it is obvious those policies were not working and everything that is going on now is pretty much total opposite of those previous policies.

I have sooooo gone back and forth about all this, because I see the good and the bad in all that is happening, but to be honest, I think I am finally getting to a point where I am at peace with most things, trusting in God that whatever happens is his will and just preparing and bracing for whatever happens. Because what ever happens, in the end God allowed it to happen, God allowed President Obama to become president so there is a bigger picture than I have a clue to.

So I will just go to work every day, love my family, ride my busa, do my part to get my bills under control, voice my concerns in a legal manner that is afforded me by the constitution and let the chips fall where they may

Fixed that

Your right. Military service has a way of making a person "man up" or "woman up" :)

The best thing I had done in my life was joined the Marines. right off the bat you are given responsability and taught to except the responsabilities for your actions.

So I have no problems with the draft either. I did however tell my sons if they brought the draft back, their best option would be to join a service they wanted to serve in, not wait to be drafted

I'll bet you were a west coast marine weren't you.:poke:
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