Clutch fluid gone...



Was riding my busa today efter about a week since last time. No problem that time but today I noticed after a hundred meters or so that the clutch was only working the last cm nearest to the handlebar. Adjusted the lever from positionb 1 to 5 on the "wheel" an the clutch worked a little better... Was riding for about 5 minutes and then I noticed very low clutch fluid lever. While riding the gears became harder to shift, so last km I rode on the same gear. First thought was a leak somewhere...
Parked in the garage. Fluid continer almoast empty. A few drops in the bottom. Off with the fairing, checking for leaks...
Found nothing...... hoses seems ok. Original hose still there on my 2003 busa.
Where did the fluid go?....
Any ideas? A small leak that emptied the container in a week. (checked my floor/garage traces of fluid)
Filled it up with new fluid and vacuumed. Took a short testride and the clutch worked fine again....
Will check for leak tomorrow again.
Anyone got an idea what to look for? Read about some slave cylinder problems? :bowdown:

Michael - Sweden
not problem but a seal that has worn out or gone bad over time remove your fairing and unbolt your coolant bottle and move it out of the way now stick your finger up under the slave cyl and pump your clutch then pull your finger away and check for fluid if your seal is leaking then it is leaking onto your chain and from what i have ead brake fluid and chains dont mix too good if im wrong someone will correct me really quick but that is what i would start by checking also look on your belling fairing for excessive dirt buildup might be another indicator
Thanx for the tip. Will check that tomorrow. Didn´t check the chain today for signs of break fluid. Will also check the seal. This can be the solution since the fluid seemed to leak while riding/breaking today.

Thanx. :thumbsup:

Michael - Sweden
I might have the same problem as far losing fluid. Let me know if its your seal or line and how much it cost
Its the clutch slave cylinder seal just change mine today after a month of search for the leak. Its best to change the whole thing, grime between the seal and bore will wear scratches in it. 80$ from or cheaper thur a vendor on here.