My father passed 3 years ago and left his 50% to myself and my brother. SOoo, I own 25% as does my brother and Mom owns 50%.
After going thru an extremely crappie divorce, I actually liked my wife even after 20+ years of marriage. It ended a month ago. I gave my interest of my wifes and mine house to her in exchange for any claim of alimony.
I moved into my parent(s) house of which I own part with mom. She is elated as she is not alone in a 5 bedroom house and I can help with bills and help take care of her.
Bear in mind she is 70 has cronic heart failure and has lived in that house for 38 years.
We (Mom and me) got a summons today. It would appear POS brother of mine, that I work with everyday, has decided to sue his brother and his mother to force the sale of the house (which has been paid for many years ago) for his 25% of the house.
Also bear in mind, money is not really the issue as he confessed to me a month ago that he was pretty financial well off and could pay off every debt he has including his house and still have money in the bank.
WHAT A *&#^$^^ *#&#&&$!
Also bear in mind, I'm humping money big time right now as daughters wedding is less than 2 months away. So, now I have to f with a retainer for an attorney just to fight this crap. So it's not only affecting me...but my kids
"Gee honey, I'm sorry...we have to cancel the caterer and the photographer because I need an attourney to fight the lawsuit filed by your uncle fkn Jim against me and your Grandma."
What a guy....