stalled out on a low speed,first gear intersection left turn . was was kinda crudy to start a couple of times
and third...and the most scary...I was blasting out one of my favorite backroads ,nice straight strectch , gunning it hard, goin from first to second, tach hits 9 grand,BLAAAHH,motor dies for a second,just about sends me thru the screen (hee hee hee) , back off with the go-faster button (throttle) power comes back . Its idling like crap, and is all herky jerky . Sounds an' feels like fuel starvation, but I can't find anything . its a Y2K with 15,000 kilo/9,000 miles . Only 1 mod . Home made TRE . Any idea's men
I hate askin' for tech advice , I've been wrenchin' my own stuff for 20+ , but new to fuel-injected bikes .
thanks men . was was kinda crudy to start a couple of times
and third...and the most scary...I was blasting out one of my favorite backroads ,nice straight strectch , gunning it hard, goin from first to second, tach hits 9 grand,BLAAAHH,motor dies for a second,just about sends me thru the screen (hee hee hee) , back off with the go-faster button (throttle) power comes back . Its idling like crap, and is all herky jerky . Sounds an' feels like fuel starvation, but I can't find anything . its a Y2K with 15,000 kilo/9,000 miles . Only 1 mod . Home made TRE . Any idea's men
I hate askin' for tech advice , I've been wrenchin' my own stuff for 20+ , but new to fuel-injected bikes .
thanks men .