
I was curious who has done business with this web site? I placed an order last Sunday and it's still showing "pending" status. The payment was taken out the very next day and haven't seen or heard anything since. I'm sure there is some connection with the .org since everything has hayabusa.org written all over it. Thank you in advace for any information.

patience grasshopper.. very good company run by the cAp himself.. :thumbsup:
You'll get your stuff trust me, I've ordered many things and never had a problem. Sometimes it takes a couple weeks, but it's well worth the wait.:beerchug:
CApn prolly getting back to the grind from a nice 2 week ride/vacation.

Send a pm to Capn or Mrs.Capn with an inquiry.
Thanks for the info. I wasn't really concerned about it as I knew someone here was behind the scenes over there. Just ready to rock one of those shirts:beerchug:
this should be taken care of, emails sent and packages on the way... Sorry for the delay guys excuses are just that, I should have done better....

Thanks for your patience.