Whitele (Almost) home...

el stumpo

Tried to make it home, but it was too dang cold... when I got gas just outside of Asheville, the clerk told me it would be around 30 degrees for a low! That is about 3.5 hours from home. Made it about another 30 minutes before I gave up and found a Motel 6. I need some rest anyway... :laugh:

Gixerhp - Hope you have a good trip home tomorrow, don't forget the rum!! Tell Jen sorry for the almost tip over... :whistle:
Grumpy - Thanks for the usual great grub!
Captain - Hope you got the new tire out of wheeler's in a timely fashion..
Semi - Good conversation as usual
Froggy - you chicken *****er! :rofl:
Loomis/RacerV - hoping for better weather next time we ride
Big E and the MD gang - thanks for the fun on Sat - next time we get kicked out of the joint!
Blanca Boo - See you in Sep for the Skyway
to all the others - TwoBrothers, LankeeYankee, Bots, and more (sorry if I forget, I'm a bit tired...) good seeing you all again!

Can't wait for September! (oh, and on the way home, I found a new road to traverse!):thumbsup:
Glad you opted to stop...I knew it was going to be too cold if we left any later than we did...

Great seeing you Peter, as always!!
well, just about 8AM feeling much better, says it's supposed to be a high of 58, but currently feeling like 37. yikes.

On the way home, saw one of the GTIs (a white one) who wrecked just after hell bender. I think that makes something like 3 I saw wrecked over the weekend... :rollext: