Where Is The Toaster?


Dis in my way!
Staff member
Who has it?

We need that thing to be pulled from the ashes, for goodness sake I will buy you a new working toaster if you need one...

One of my many favorite pics.
I do have it guys. It got shuffled around in my moving, etc. But I have it. Where do you want me to send it?
Message me your address. It's been flying in the air, why not on the ground!

Thanks Bot's !!!!!! However if I find out that you warmed up your MOON PIES in there and left it GGOOOEY I'm gonna come after you!
Shoot me a message. I don't know how to on this board
Cool Pic John?? If I run Naked and strap the toaster where my headlight was

How aero is a toaster?

You would basically be strapping a stainless steel 5 hole bread maker to your bike.... Keith jumped out of an airplane with it, he can probably tell you the details.