What sacrifice did you make to get your busa?

i hope you enjoy it

reminds me of the old proverb

on one's deathbed "if only i spent more time in the office"

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I guess in retrospect the only sacrifice I made was not choosing some other bike...

Before I got the Hayabusa I have now, I checked out an H2, S1000RR and R, a very good, clean, low mileage Super Blackbird and a very low km ZX12R and a new ZX14R but then decided I wanted a Hayabusa and a good, decent used one at that just in case I didn't like it then I wouldn't be out a pile of money...
20 Year Old Thread Revival!

Took me 4 years to save up $8000 in cash to get my first '08. (mint with 900 miles on it) I squirreled money away for a long time. I held onto my '00 the whole time, as I couldn't part with it. Not only that, but I did a bunch of side jobs and put that extra money in the cookie jar. I wrote several paying writing gigs for magazines. I wrote an article for Cycle World and got paid $1000 for the article - in the cookie jar. Saving for a '22 right now, I figure I need 2 years to save $15k in cash to get a one-year-old model with low miles. I'll also have to sell both my bikes to get to that number.