What kind of bird is this?


Banned Permanently By MC Mustang
I happen to see out of the corner of my eye while watching TV this big bird in the tree out front of my house. I snuck downstairs and grabbed the camera and snapped a pic of it. Just as I was zooming the lens to get a closer shot, it flew off. Is it a Hawk? It has some white spots on it too. I dont normally see stuff like this living in a heavily residential area.
It had to be a foot and a half tall..

Not a bird expert, but appears to be a hawk of some kind.
I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum.WTF
I need new eyes! I swear I hit Random!

you think?
I think so.. he's a bit puffed out, but the beak and head and wing pattern looks the same.
Moved to random

Looks like a Hawk to me. I have a couple that hang out in my back yard.