What is the world coming to....

Yea that's messed up.

When I first heard of it I really didn't believe it. All the recent news coverage begs to differ.
Mallard told police that after parking in her garage, she apologized to Biggs as he moaned. [/QUOTE]

Atleast she said she was sorry.
What was she thinking? That poor man. RIP
I'm watching Headline News right now and they just read the verdict live, Guilty of Murder.
Talk about a complete lack of respect and lack of personal accountability. This is so unbelievable. I can't even possibly imagine someone doing this!
That is crazy... she hits the dude on the street then goes all the way home with the guy stuck to her windshield....

she's got issues...
How about the friend she called to come over? Girl showes up asks whats wrong. Is told to look in the garage. Comes back out, tells the driver that the Driver should call the cops. Driver says I can't I might go to jail. The friend then tells the driver that she wants no part of it & goes home. She doesn't call cops or say anything to anyone. Why isn't she charged too?
Some kid just north of Orlando hit a guy at night beginning of the week. Cut him in half & severed an arm.
The kid drove to his house approx 1 mile away.

Difference in this case was he called the cops as soon as he got home. Said his home was closest phone.

Couple of civilians found the guys legs in a parking lot.

Right about now I bet some prison guard has printed this story out and shown it to the women that hit the 1st guy saying, "See this what you should have done!"
Man, I'm not a strong advocate of the death sentence, in fact, for the most part i'm against it.  But I'll tell you what; this one makes me really think about it.  If I was this guys family I know I'd be all for it.  I mean, my God!! To get high and doped up and drive a car: very bad descision.  To hit a pedestrian in that condition: terrible mistake.  But to watch a fellow human being suffer and die over a couple hours time from injuries you inflicted??? Dispose of his body???  Soldiers at war have been brought up on charges for less.  I have more sympathy for a murderer who commits the crime over a woman or money ar anger.  At least I can understand some motive.  She took his life (chose not to save it) for convienence sake.  Thought she could get away with it.  If she had made the right descision he would be alive and she would be facing less jail time if any.  At least the crazy 6itch is off the streets for a while!

Sorry for the long post...just had to vent a little on this one.