What is the FED??


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After a huge public relations campaign, engineered by the foreign central banks, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was slipped through Congress during the Christmas recess, with many members of the Congress absent. President Woodrow Wilson, pressured by his political and financial backers, signed it on December 23, 1913.
Recommend you all read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by Edward Griffin, so you understand the FED and how it was created and by whom.

The act created the Federal Reserve System, a name carefully selected and designed to deceive. "Federal" would lead one to believe that this is a government organization. "Reserve" would lead one to believe that the currency is being backed by gold and silver. "System" was used in lieu of the word "bank" so that one would not conclude that a new central bank had been created.

In reality, the act created a private, for profit, central Banking Corporation owned by a cartel of private banks. Who owns the FED? The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seif of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb and Warburg of Germany; and the Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs and the Rockefeller families of New York.

Did you know that the FED is the only for-profit corporation in America that is exempt from both federal and state taxes? The FED takes in about one trillion dollars per year tax free! The banking families listed above get all that money.
Well theres a kick in the nards!
I'm surprised, yet not, know what I mean? You'll never take the "all for yourself" element out of any gov't, despite hearing the lies otherwise...it seems to have been twisted in many ways further back than initially thought, but I can't say I'm surprised by it all anymore...
the truth is our money is worthless, since it is not really money and in fact just debt to those familes.

Why dont we just tell them to stick that debt up their AZZ and let the govt take over the centeral bank so any intrest owed goes to the american people and not just those families

After all what can they do to make us pay them anyway??
They're only rich if we don't have an economic breakdown again. I do think it should be properly renamed to the Federal International Bank or F.I.B, since it's a lie to the public anyway. An they SHOULD PAY TAXES.
Man you guys are starting to make me feel better. I was starting to believe I was the only one left that kept up with and knew this stuff. The FRS / Global bankers own and control everything! Stores . food, fuel, and OUR Military. And nobody says Jack!! Husian had one (1) WMD , It was his gold and silver, he was getting ready to use to Make Iraq one of the richst Countrys on the planet. Which would have killed the FRS. Seems Bonny and Clyde wasnt so bad after-all. Remember 1money system, 1 GOV. 1 world Religion.=666. Any system that says"You cant have your weapons, and pay me 50% of what you make so I can give it to some #*+ that doesnt work is FUBAR(ED).
Randy Weaver
A good, but FRIGHTENING read


Quote from the first paragraph:

"For the tiny fraction of people who actually pay attention to real events -- those, for instance, who know the difference between Narnia and Kandahar -- the final hours of 2007 leading into the fog-shrouded abyss of 2008 must induce great racking shudders of nausea. Has there ever been a society so exquisitely rigged for implosion? The whole listing, creaking, reeking edifice stands like one of those obsolete Las Vegas pleasure palaces awaiting a mere pulse of electrons to ignite a thousand explosive charges perfectly placed to blow away the structural supports."

So, the state should control private property (money)? Doesn't it then become public property?
Just what system do you propose to replace the current one? Do the "owners" of the bank (me and you) get to keep our money?
There is no way to correct the system which has been built( its now world wide DOOM!)I guess I was born 300-400 years too later.As long as The Gov. owns the $$ and your property your are a servent to thee..
So, the state should control private property (money)? Doesn't it then become public property?
Just what system do you propose to replace the current one? Do the "owners" of the bank (me and you) get to keep our money?
thats the whole point, the money is worthless, it is backed up by nothing. When the govt did run the banking system the money was gold, a dollar was defined as 23 some ounces of gold, not worth 23 ounces but it actually was 23 ounces of gold. When paper was used it was not money but a promisary note that if presented to the US Treasury would be redemed for the face value in gold. When we did own the money it was woth something and could be used anywhere and was real, not a debt to some private families that it is now.
So, the state should control private property (money)? Doesn't it then become public property?
Just what system do you propose to replace the current one? Do the "owners" of the bank (me and you) get to keep our money?
thats the whole point, the money is worthless, it is backed up by nothing. When the govt did run the banking system the money was gold, a dollar was defined as 23 some ounces of gold, not worth 23 ounces but it actually was 23 ounces of gold. When paper was used it was not money but a promisary note that if presented to the US Treasury would be redemed for the face value in gold. When we did own the money it was woth something and could be used anywhere and was real, not a debt to some private families that it is now.
Not quite. You owe it to me, the stockholder by proxie.

The question(s) stand.
the fed is a private bank, you dont get jack from it, none of us do.
A good, but FRIGHTENING read


Quote from the first paragraph:

"For the tiny fraction of people who actually pay attention to real events -- those, for instance, who know the difference between Narnia and Kandahar -- the final hours of 2007 leading into the fog-shrouded abyss of 2008 must induce great racking shudders of nausea. Has there ever been a society so exquisitely rigged for implosion? The whole listing, creaking, reeking edifice stands like one of those obsolete Las Vegas pleasure palaces awaiting a mere pulse of electrons to ignite a thousand explosive charges perfectly placed to blow away the structural supports."

it was a good read, now I got to go research some of the points he brought up
So, the state should control private property (money)? Doesn't it then become public property?
Just what system do you propose to replace the current one? Do the "owners" of the bank (me and you) get to keep our money?
thats the whole point, the money is worthless, it is backed up by nothing. When the govt did run the banking system the money was gold, a dollar was defined as 23 some ounces of gold, not worth 23 ounces but it actually was 23 ounces of gold. When paper was used it was not money but a promisary note that if presented to the US Treasury would be redemed for the face value in gold. When we did own the money it was woth something and could be used anywhere and was real, not a debt to some private families that it is now.
Not quite. You owe it to me, the stockholder by proxie.

The question(s) stand.
to try a better answer....if the money in your pocket is gold and has actual value, then how does the state own it?? The gold is yours and can be traded for goods and services at any time, this would put you in control. As it stands now the fed is in control and owns your property(money).
Can you trade the money in your pocket for a gallon of gas, loaf of bread or a Hayabusa? Do you own that money and the goods exchanged for it?

The government DOESN'T own it, that's my point. Re-read your second post.
the fed is a private bank, you dont get jack from it, none of us do.
Buy a government bond, then you'll get something from it. It's the Central Bank, of course you don't get anything from it, unless you are a customer. Thats like saying I don't get anything from Bank of America...of course not, I don't do business with them. On the other hand I do have business with Wellsfargo who give me interest on the money I have in their bank. Same is with the Reserve, if you do business with them then you will indeed get something back. No business? No return.
Man you guys are starting to make me feel better. I was starting to believe I was the only one left that kept up with and knew this stuff. The FRS / Global bankers  own and control everything! Stores . food, fuel, and OUR Military. And nobody says Jack!! Husian had one (1) WMD , It was his gold and silver, he was getting ready to use to Make Iraq one of the richst Countrys on the planet. Which would have killed the FRS. Seems Bonny and Clyde wasnt so bad after-all. Remember 1money system, 1 GOV. 1 world Religion.=666. Any system that says"You cant have your weapons, and pay me 50% of what you make so I can give it to some #*+  that doesnt work is FUBAR(ED).
Randy Weaver
In the 1970s an international agreement was made between a certain oil market (commodity trade/exchange house) and the US to trade oil in US dollars exclusively. The currency was named the petro-dollar.

Only one man ever succeeded in challenging this arrangement by selling oil for EUROS. His name was Saddam Hussein. He is now dead as is most of his family. His country has been occupied by a foreign force with this very fact as the "US interest" overshadowed by the lie of Weapons of Mass destruction used to sell a war to the American people.

Mahmud Ahmedinejad, the leader of IRAN is moving forward to create a new free trade zone in an island in the Persian Gulf, its sole purpose is to compete in the global oil market by selling to the highest bidder in currencies other than the US dollar. You may have seen a certain public awareness campaign accusing him of enriching Uranium for the purpose of creating a NUCULAR (Nuclear) weapon (read weapons of mass destruction [WMD]). This was designed to complete the military flanking movement that placed the US on two opposing sides of IRAN, Afghanistan to the northeast and Iraq to the southwest.  

What many people do not know is that IRAN's oil reserves are second in the world just under those of Saudi Arabia.

What are we watching unfold as American Sheeple?