What Do You Guys Think.....?


let me give you some facts that arent being reported. im not condoning or disagreeing with what they did or didnt do. im simply telling the whole story. this video was taken almost 2 years prior to being placed on youtube.

1.) the guy that was Tasered and kicked was a wanted armed and dangerous felon terrorizing the East side of the city for a whole week shooting at people and not caring who he hits.

2.) when the police gave chase he decided to drive thru a busy park in the middle of the afternoon nearly killing several children hoping the police would not chase him into the park.

3.) a loaded gun was located under his drivers seat.

4.) convicted felon and a real POS!

5.) no injuries and although he did file a complaint with internal affairs it wasnt till this video surfaced which was almost 2 years after the incident.

6.) 2 of the 3 officers were members of the police departments violent crime unit and are the ones that pursued him.

the FBI has initiated a civil rights violation for excessive force against all (3) officers and will convey a grand jury at some point. the police departments internal affairs division will await the FBI's investigation before they complete theirs and eventually make recommendations to the board of police commissioners on what type of discipline is being recommended.

Bridgeport Police Department: Connecticut cops on leave after they were caught 'kicking and stomping on man' | Mail Online
A little "street justice" . No big deal. It didn't look all that brutal to me.I'm sure the cops won't get off scott free thou.

Its not even close to another "Rodney King".

I anger and frustate way to easily to be a cop.When the dirtbags run from you,endangering innocent folk,and the adrenalin is pumpin',I can see why they sometimes "take the boots to 'em". It's not like the perp in this case was a little old homeless lady who just stole a loaf of bread from a giant conglomerate like costco or something.

I love watching those video's where things have escalated to the point where they have to call in the riot cops. The cops tell the crowd to disperse.The crowd doesn't. Then the cops lay a beat down on the crowd. I freakin' love it. If I was at the demostration or whatever they call it these days,and the cops told me to go home or I'm gonna get tazed,gased and beatin'...I'd just head home. Simple. In fact I'd probably hurry home in hopes of catching the beat down live on T.V.

A piece of advice for the cops on this board and everywhere:

If your going to "do it" don't break the "11th Commandment"..... Don't get caught.:whistle:

Maybe the do-gooder who puts these cops on trial will get an extra medal (if he manages to find all of that guys teeth) :laugh:

I dunno involved too much reading...

SO, Someone who needed a beating or killing or arresting got what they needed? AWESOME...

Police went overboard, stepped over the line, took the law into their own hands? NOT AWESOME...

My condensed opinions on whatever happened within all that text up top... :whistle:
Small snapshot of an incident. Retired cops would say " You pay the nickle you ride the ride ". Fortunately / unfortunately we can't do that now-a-days. Very old members will remember a time when you could shoot someone evading arrest ( running ) . Personally , I would be like, don't do that again.

Now for all I know a lot of shat went down prior to the poor video and I could guess that the owner of the video didn't get the money he wanted so now this has surfaced. For all I know that guy had a weapon in his hand, probably not.

I'll have to remember the 11th commandment brother rub :laugh:

I think most officers on here have had the training, understand todays rules of engagement. I'm all verbal judo and it works for me until it doesn't. Rest assured I plan on going home at the end of my shift.
My hats off to you Robert :bowdown: as I mentioned,I'm way to much of an' angry a55hole to do the job in todays politically correct and "Hug Me, I just molested a kid,but its not my fault" type of world.

I know why you guys wear them "take down" gloves.:whistle: it's to hide all the bruising to one's knuckles. :laugh:

I have never been beatin' by the cops (which still suprises me to this day) but then again,I RARELY do anything that warrants it.:laugh: If some fug-wad took a swing at a cop,beat up a little girl,stole from some old pensioner etc, I would expect a little street justice. And then when the court date came up for the cops on trial for administering the little "personality tune-up" the perp should go against the advice of his ambulance chaser and just suck it up.Tell the judge "It wasn't them,"I've never seen those men in my life your honour."

Too bad that would never happen.

One of my best friends is retired RCMP. He had many duties over the years,but his most hated job was investigating crimes against children. Its one of the reasons he still has nightmares and is a huge alcoholic. But I still love the guy. He has let it slip once or twice that he would have liked to have "Shot first,and asked questions later".

Make sure you do get home after every shift,yer family loves and needs you,and we would miss all the LEGAL ho'in you do around here.

Once again,hats off to you brother.:hello:

Hell, If you don't want trouble from the police, be honest, don't tell stories, and damn if just THAT doesn't go a long ways... Anyone who is lied to all day every day really appreciates integrity, you can actually see it in their eyes, as they light up as if to say "whoa WTF?"

I've never had a problem with police my last Boss was full time LEO. Although, about three months ago I did have 4 out front, a cruiser on the corner and two outback...

That was fun... :rofl: (Loong Story)

My hats off to you Robert :bowdown: as I mentioned,I'm way to much of an' angry a55hole to do the job in todays politically correct and "Hug Me, I just molested a kid,but its not my fault" type of world.

I know why you guys wear them "take down" gloves.:whistle: it's to hide all the bruising to one's knuckles. :laugh:

Actually blood borne pathogens

I have never been beatin' by the cops (which still suprises me to this day) but then again,I RARELY do anything that warrants it.:laugh: If some fug-wad took a swing at a cop,beat up a little girl,stole from some old pensioner etc, I would expect a little street justice. And then when the court date came up for the cops on trial for administering the little "personality tune-up" the perp should go against the advice of his ambulance chaser and just suck it up.Tell the judge "It wasn't them,"I've never seen those men in my life your honour."

Too bad that would never happen.

Never ever, and remember, it's not the guy that took a few kicks, it's the peanut gallery being entertained

One of my best friends is retired RCMP. He had many duties over the years,but his most hated job was investigating crimes against children. Its one of the reasons he still has nightmares and is a huge alcoholic. But I still love the guy. He has let it slip once or twice that he would have liked to have "Shot first,and asked questions later".

Make sure you do get home after every shift,yer family loves and needs you,and we would miss all the LEGAL ho'in you do around here.

Once again,hats off to you brother.:hello:


I'll say TY for all my brothers and sisters reading this. No hero here, I just ride around all night for a living and waste tax payers dollars :laugh:

I don't encourage folks to go into this career, several on here can attest to me telling them not to, but everyone should ride along a shift or two. My wife rode a few nights and she was completely astounded by what people said to me and the way they said it. I pretty well take it all in stride now-a-days and look forward to retiring :laugh: even when they start telling me how they plan on this and that with my saint of an 85 year old mom, my wife, and my daughter.
Hell, If you don't want trouble from the police, be honest, don't tell stories, and damn if just THAT doesn't go a long ways... Anyone who is lied to all day every day really appreciates integrity, you can actually see it in their eyes, as they light up as if to say "whoa WTF?"

I've never had a problem with police my last Boss was full time LEO. Although, about three months ago I did have 4 out front, a cruiser on the corner and two outback...

That was fun... :rofl: (Loong Story)

Those morons sure sent a small crew in for your azz. I bet SWAT was around the corner :whistle:
I watched the video. Don't know what happened before what we saw. From the start of video the man is down, showing no resistance, not even moving from what I can see. Why did the 1st cop call the 2nd cop? He wasn't having any trouble from the man on the ground. OK standard procedure, call back up. So cop number 2 comes up and starts the smack down. So lets call Cop number 3 who rolls up and continues beating the crap out of the guy. Why did it take 3 cops and why does it require all of them kicking the crap out of a man showing no resistance.

Sorry guys, you are supposed to be held to higher standard. You missed your chance to kick the crap out of him when he was actively doing a crime. So you don't decide to finish the business later. I don't care how angry you are at the guy. You are not supposed to do this and you know it. Your trained to handle people in about a dozen non violent and non lethal ways. You may not like those rules, I know I wouldn't. But I don't do what you do for a living. Personally if I'm gonna kick the crap out of somebody that had it coming to him, I would do it by myself, using whatever means or aides I need to, to get the job done. And not get 2 others to join in on the smack down.

But as a cop, that is hands off, and you know it.

Nothing was coming of the investigation because no cop was gonna out another cop. But Oooppss a video shows up that shows mis-conduct. Dang that kinda screws up the silent blue wall brotherhood. This will end up making a fool of the force. And you guys know it.

I have a situation at work where a guy has vandalized my truck. He did so because we had some words in front of everyone and he came out on the short end of it. My boss asked me how I'd like to handle it. He didn't even let me answer it before he said, If you want to beat the SH** out of him we will make sure nobody sees it and nobody will know anything about it. We will report it as an accident on the job with no witnesses.

I said No Sir, I'd rather he be made to pay me for the damages and fire him. That will have a lot longer lasting effects than an ass whoopin. He will just want to find a way to escalate it with me after that.

Look, sometimes violence is the only answer. Some people don't understand anything else. But it should be the last answer, not the first answer. This guy may have been a POS, but he wasn't causing any one of those cops any trouble that required what they did.

Let me be clear. Sometimes an ass whoopin is in order. But this isn't one of those times.
Visor didn't wanna play on my phone, ill check it later. Looks like they stomped him pretty good from the screen caps. :thumbsup:
I watched the video. Don't know what happened before what we saw. From the start of video the man is down, showing no resistance, not even moving from what I can see. Why did the 1st cop call the 2nd cop? He wasn't having any trouble from the man on the ground. OK standard procedure, call back up. So cop number 2 comes up and starts the smack down. So lets call Cop number 3 who rolls up and continues beating the crap out of the guy. Why did it take 3 cops and why does it require all of them kicking the crap out of a man showing no resistance.

Sorry guys, you are supposed to be held to higher standard. You missed your chance to kick the crap out of him when he was actively doing a crime. So you don't decide to finish the business later. I don't care how angry you are at the guy. You are not supposed to do this and you know it. Your trained to handle people in about a dozen non violent and non lethal ways. You may not like those rules, I know I wouldn't. But I don't do what you do for a living. Personally if I'm gonna kick the crap out of somebody that had it coming to him, I would do it by myself, using whatever means or aides I need to, to get the job done. And not get 2 others to join in on the smack down.

But as a cop, that is hands off, and you know it.

Nothing was coming of the investigation because no cop was gonna out another cop. But Oooppss a video shows up that shows mis-conduct. Dang that kinda screws up the silent blue wall brotherhood. This will end up making a fool of the force. And you guys know it.

I have a situation at work where a guy has vandalized my truck. He did so because we had some words in front of everyone and he came out on the short end of it. My boss asked me how I'd like to handle it. He didn't even let me answer it before he said, If you want to beat the SH** out of him we will make sure nobody sees it and nobody will know anything about it. We will report it as an accident on the job with no witnesses.

I said No Sir, I'd rather he be made to pay me for the damages and fire him. That will have a lot longer lasting effects than an ass whoopin. He will just want to find a way to escalate it with me after that.

Look, sometimes violence is the only answer. Some people don't understand anything else. But it should be the last answer, not the first answer. This guy may have been a POS, but he wasn't causing any one of those cops any trouble that required what they did.

Let me be clear. Sometimes an ass whoopin is in order. But this isn't one of those times.
cant really disagree with much of any of that. and its true were trained to handle those situations that can get the aadrenaline flowing. it happens quite often. even with exceptional police officers. emotions run high when lives are at stake and people were nearly killed by a criminals actions. even highly trained and disciplined cops can step out of line.

if this criminal had actually struck and killed one the children he missed coming into the park accross the grass and this surfaced many would feel differently about it. I can tell you with 100% certainty that many would be disappointed in the fact that the suspect didnt have injuries. that is how the human mind works but considering he didnt strike and kill a small child and all that is seen is him running, tased and kicked.

its up to their lawyers to point out any midigating circumstances. but as police officers you are held to a higher standard and if you are caught breaking the law the system will often come down much harder on police officer then the civilian doing the same.

there will be criminal, internal and civil litigation for a long time to come. the FBI has been investigating it for 8 months now. they have unlimited resources and manpower essentially so they are always a challenge.

right or wrong you cannot lump all excessive force cases into a rodney king style incident like many often do. like I said im not condoning or disagreeing with their actions cause I simply cant either way but in my experiences the cops that get into the most trouble do the best and most proactive police work. the last guy to show up on scene is rarely the guy getting jammed up.

this incident and many other like them go viral these days in no time. world wide coverage in just a couple days. its the digital age we live in now and cops are under far more scrutiny these days as a result.

maybe it just comes with the job or maybe they get burnt out dealing with hardened felons every day wanting nothing more then to see you dead so they can carry on victimizing innocent people actually contributing to society. people like this simply suck the life out of our country and do nothing but leach off society either behind bars or on the streets.
Brett I'm really sorry some of your friends got caught stomping that guy.
Y'all got some fat cops up there.


Have they not at least learned how to roll on the ground and make it look like he's resisting?
Middle of a park, lemme just tee off a few field goals on this guy. Then black cop comes out of car and thinks to himself lemme get some of that and throws a kick or two also. You asked so I will tell you. I think these cops give the rest a bad name and rep. And I think they ought to be charged with same crimes I would if I kicked somebody like that. Fat Effin porker like 300lbs stomping on him looks like attempted murder to me.
He should just consider himself lucky they didnt have a K9 with them :hide:........... I'd take boots anyday over getting mauled by 1 of those things
a "professional" rationalizing another "professional's" actions.....now aint this rich...lol
Twenty years of law enforcement experience and the days of you run from the cops you get a beat down are gone. After hit with the taser the suspect went right down and appeared to offer no further resistance. He was then quickly restrained and the not so professional cops proceed to beat on him. I don't know, Rodney King was the first incident that came to my mind when I was watching this and in my opinion this behavior shouldn't be acceptable by anyone. If bad guys wants to fight, well it's game time and we'll bring the fight. But if bad guy decides game over doesn't mean the cops get to handcuff you and proceed to beat the cr*p outta you. Now days you go into law enforcement with this attitude expect to not be employed for long.
Twenty years of law enforcement experience and the days of you run from the cops you get a beat down are gone. After hit with the taser the suspect went right down and appeared to offer no further resistance. He was then quickly restrained and the not so professional cops proceed to beat on him. I don't know, Rodney King was the first incident that came to my mind when I was watching this and in my opinion this behavior shouldn't be acceptable by anyone. If bad guys wants to fight, well it's game time and we'll bring the fight. But if bad guy decides game over doesn't mean the cops get to handcuff you and proceed to beat the cr*p outta you. Now days you go into law enforcement with this attitude expect to not be employed for long.

So let me ask you.
Were we as a nation better off back then turning a blind eye to a few thumps and bumps on a crook or now watching and complaining about all?
Better off to let the cops whack em a few and hopefully put forth a lesson to other possible thugs 'this is what you'll get' or protecting the 'rights' of pieces of crap criminals?

I go back and forth on this......

Let em stomp the crap out of the guy or let my stomach be turned thinking that's way overboard.
And lastly, why was it ok back then to do this and I even heard shoot them for running and now it's not?
Is it simply because we as citizens are watching you with a bazillion cell cameras everywhere or that the philosophy has changed to that's wrong to do?
The invention of the video camera has been law inforcements greatest hinderance for "getting the job done.". :whistle:

its the digital age we live in now and cops are under far more scrutiny these days as a result.

No, COPS were always scrutinized. Now there are just more ways to do it, hence fewer ways COPS can get away with it, hence we see more of it.

Cops want video cameras in their cars, but not our cars or in our hands.