What do to at a m/c accident scene


Donating Member
It's spring again, and I though it may be a good time for everyone to read this. I have no idea of the source of this document, but it really is worth taking the time to read it.

What to do at a motorcycle accident scene
This is a long document!...........best print it off for ease of reading!
I don't know who wrote this originally but I took it from a local
motorcycle site.

We all recognize that there are risks in this sport that we love, and
there are ways to help minimize the damage done if you or fellow rider
taste pavement. That being said, please take 10 minutes out of your
busy schedules, and please give this a read...it is simply a "WHAT TO
DO IF YOU ARE AT THE SCENE OF A BIKE ACCIDENT" post, and hey, ya never
know, it may just save someones life some day. I am not trying to
preach to anyone, I am just saying that it is better to have this info
and not need it rather than need this potentially lifesaving info at
the scene of an accident and not have it. In the case of an accident
scene, ignorance is definitely not bliss, so although it is a long
post, i think it is well worth the few minutes it takes ya to read it.


The first hour of trauma is termed the ``Golden Hour'' by the
Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The idea is that trauma victims have
the best survival chance if they are in surgery within one hour after
the accident. Qualified medical personnel are really the people who
should be handling everything, but until they arrive there are things
that we, untrained motorcyclists, can do to help the medical
professionals before they arrive.

An extremely important point it ``Psychological Management''. At an
accident site, peoples' adrenaline will be going full-blast and the
most important thing is for at least one person to keep calm and to


The first thing you need to do when arriving on an accident scene is
to stop, take two deep breaths to help you remain calm.

Anyway, the idea of psychological management is that all the other
people who are pumped and want to help will do whatever they are told
to do by a calm person who seems to be in control and knows what he or
she is doing. If you're excited and out of control as well, everyone
will run around
wasting precious time in an unorganized fashion (not to be confused
with everyone running around wasting precious time in an organized
fashion, mind you).

1) Get to victim, reassure, establish communication, first evaluation of victim
2) Safety factors
3) Best-trained individual (medically-wise) attends to victim (U-ABCC)
4) If breathing is taking place normally, LEAVE HELMET ON!
4a) helmet removal procedure if airway blocked or no respiratory action.
5) After initial evaluation of seriousness of injuries, call for ambulance
5a) Things to tell EMS operator
5b) Things that may be necessary for victim
6) Document personal information if possible (victim may pass out)
6a) AMPLE documentation
7) Wallets, purses, rings
8) Have person check pulse every 5 minutes & document it
8a) Have person check breathing every 5 minutes & document it
9) Watch for signs of person going into shock
10) Stop bleeding, using sterile bandages/dressings if available
11) In case of femur injuries (extremely common in moto accidents),
check for blood loss
12) When ambulance arrives
13) At the hospital
14) Dealing with law enforcement
15) Thank yous
16) Couple of miscellaneous notes
17) Four most important points to remember


1) Get to victim, reassure, establish communication, first evaluation of victim

After a person has gone down, they will be in a confused and scared
state. They probably don't know what happened when they went down.
They may be confused, frantic, etc., and often the only thing on their
mind will be their bike. It is important to reassure them and to make
sure they will not try to move or get to their bike. You can tell them
the following:
``You've been in a motorcycle accident. It is important that you do
not try to move. My name is Jason (whatever your name is).''
Tell them the ambulance is coming (assuming someone has been sent to
get one!) If your name is something like ``Chainsaw'' or
``Mega-death'', tell them your name is John.

Be careful what you say around the victim, even if they are
unconscious. Hearing works in the unconscious state and if you say
something like, ``Boy, is this dude messed up bad! Maybe we shouldn't
call an ambulance after all!'', it's going to register at some level
with the person and can
do nothing but harm. How you say things will be important as what you say;
keep (or at least sound) calm and it will reduce the panic of everyone
else present.


2) Safety factors

An accident scene can be a hectic place with a lot of things going on
at once. It is important to keep safety in mind; if you are helping
someone lying in the middle of the road and a semi comes barrelling
down on both of you, you aren't going to do that person much good.

a) Traffic If people are available, get someone uproad and downroad to
wave down traffic. This is especially important in tight twisties
where they may not have time to stop after seeing the accident site.

b) Hazardous material spills (gas, oil, brake fluid) People and
vehicles will slip on this stuff. If ambulance personnel slip on oil
while carrying the victim, it is bad. Either clean it off the road or
indicate to everyone where it is.

c) Power lines If power lines are down around or near the victim,
ambulance crews may not be able to get near the person until they are
shut off. It is important to call the local utility company to get
these live wires turned off at the same time an ambulance is called.
If the ambulance arrives and
they are still live, they will have to call the utility company and
wait for them to come out, wasting a lot of precious time in the
Golden Hour.

d) Fire People who smoke tend to light up under stress. Ask these
people to either extinguish their smokes or move away from the
flammable materials and/or bikes. It is easy to forget something
obvious like this in a stressful situation like an accident scene.

e) Safety circle Establish a few people around the immediate accident
scene to help direct traffic, to point out fluid spills, and to warn
people who may want to light up (see (d)).


3) Best-trained individual (medically-wise) attends to victim (U-ABCC)

The person with the most training (first aid, CPR, etc.) attends
directly to the victim. Assuming the victim is lying on the ground,
this person should sit behind their head and should stabilize his or
her head to avoid unnecessary movement (i.e. hold their head still).
Assume the person has a back/neck injury and any unnecessary movement
could risk paralysis.

This person should be doing ``U-ABCC'' at the arrival on the scene and
every 5 minutes thereafter:

U Unresponsiveness (?) Ask the victim three questions and document
their responses;

Who are you? Where are you? What time of day is it? (Or asking what day of
week it is would be fine also. Many people do not know what time of day it
is without a watch even in a normal state.)

A Airway Is there something to impede their airway? Gravel in the helmet,
something down the throat? This needs to be cleared immediately, without
helmet removal if at all possible.

B Breathing Is the person breathing? Determined by listening, watching
their chest, feeling for breath, etc.

C Circulation Check the pulse on the throat initially and subsequently on
their wrist. This is the carotid artery, right next to the wind pipe/adam's
apple on either side. If pulse is not present, remove helmet if necessary
and begin CPR immediately. When checking pulse on their wrist, do not check
with thumb; use the two fingers next to the thumb.

C Cervical Spine Immobilization Support the victim's head and make sure
important even if they feel they can move their head normally! When
you talk to the victim initially, add on a short bit to reassure them;

``You've been in a motorcycle accident. It is important that you don't
move. My name is Jason. Answer me without moving your head. We don't know
if you have a neck injury or not. An ambulance is on the way.''

Again, make sure that the victim does not move at all, their head or
any other part.


4) If breathing is taking place normally, LEAVE HELMET ON!

It is very dangerous to remove someone's helmet if they have some type
of cervical/back injury. The only time it should be removed is if the
airway is blocked and cannot be cleared with the helmet on or if it is
necessary to perform CPR.


4a) helmet removal procedure if airway blocked or no respiratory action.

This is the method recommended by the American College of Orthopedic
Surgeons. It requires two people.

Remove glasses and unbuckle the chinstrap. One person should be to the
side of the head of the victim and the other person should be directly
behind the head of the victim, stabilizing the head to avoid excess
movement (as seen in (3)).

The person on the side puts one hand behind the victim's head
supporting at the base of the skull (not on helmet). They put their
other hand on the jaw bone/chin (again, not on helmet). They will be
supporting the head, so it is important to get a good solid grip. Keep
some tension in the arms so
that if the person pulling the helmet slips the victim's head won't drop.

The person sitting behind the head will then slowly pull the helmet
directly back and off of the head. Watch out for catching the nose on
the chin-guard on full-face helmets, as well as ears and earrings.

After the helmet is off, put a leather jacket or something under the
head of the victim! If the person supporting their head lets go, their
head will drop a good 4 inches or so. This would not be good. If
possible, it would be best to have a third person ready with something
to place under the victim's head once the helmet is off.

After the helmet is off, the person behind the head should again hold
the victim's head to promote cervical immobilization.

OPTION! Leave the helmet on until the ambulance personnel arrive if at
all possible!


5) After initial evaluation of seriousness of injuries, call for ambulance

After there has been a quick evaluation of the number of injured
people and just the most preliminary guess of seriousness, someone has
to be sent to get an ambulance. Remember that an ambulance can only
support one truly injured person.

It is important to remember that a lot of the injuries that don't look
serious to us could very well be life-threatening and injuries that
look fatal are relatively minor. Don't get fancy with the initial
seriousness evaluation. If you can't tell, assume it's Urgent!

Send one or two bikes to the nearest house.

When you go to the door, REMAIN CALM... THINK! Take a second and a
couple of deep breaths. It will not help to have this biker person in
a very excited state on the doorstep of some person's home. The people
will be far more receptive to someone who looks like they have a grip
on themselves.

Do not ask directly for entry into their house; something like ``There
has been an accident. Please call 911.'' There is no need to specify
that it was a motorcycle accident to them (it is important to let the
Emergency Medical Services dispatcher know that it was a motorcycle
accident, however). It is less threatening to ask to call 911 than it
is to ask to come in and use their phone.

5a) Things to tell Emergency Medical Services dispatcher

General tips/things to cover when talking to the EMS dispatcher:

a) there has been a motorcycle accident

b) need an ambulance

c) the # of injured people (and how badly injured they are). A
severely traumatized person will require an entire ambulance to
themselves, so it is important to give the EMS dispatcher some idea of
the scope of the accident. If they only send one ambulance and there
are two people who need one immediately, it will be a problem.

d) location of accident (get help from the people whose phone you're
using, they should know how to describe their location best)

e) You (the caller) hangs up last! The EMS dispatchers are
well-trained and will get all the information they need from you
before hanging up. Stay on the line until they do.


5b) Things that may be necessary for victim

It is helpful if you know some special equipment is going to be necessary
to tell the dispatcher;

a) Helicopter: Most rural areas cannot handle severe trauma and they
may need to get the victim to a trauma center via helicopter. If they
know there may be a need, they can get the helicopter ready to leave
for the rural hospital when a doctor establishes the extent of the

b) fire: Should the fire department be called in?

c) Jaws of life

d) Utilities See (2-C) about downed power lines above.


6) Document personal information if possible (victim may pass out)

Before the ambulance arrives, if possible, document information about
the victim. They may become unconscious and it will be helpful to have
information like:
Full name Next of kin (plus phone number) Age, date of birth Doctor


6b) AMPLE documentation

Remember that ``There is AMPLE time to document this before the
ambulance arrives.'' Again, this will be very helpful to the
paramedics if the victim passes out.

A Are you allergic to anything?
M Are you on any medications? Street drugs?
P What's your past medical history?
L Last meal - when did you eat last?
(will help anesthesiologist if one is necessary)
E What were the events leading up to the injury? Document the
mechanisms of injury. If the doctors and paramedics have some idea how
accident occurred, it will give them better ideas on what kind of
injuries to look for. Did the person low-side and slide for a while on
one of their sides? Did they go over the bars? Did they head-butt a
solid object, such as a car? If they went over the bars, is there any
obvious damage to the tank/handlbars which might indicate they hit the
lower abdomen/groin area? This kind of stuff could help the


7) Wallets, purses, rings

Do not go rooting through personal effects of the person. There should
be no need to go through their wallet or purse for insurance
information; the hospital personnel will deal with all of that. If
there is some important reason that you need something from their
wallet or purse, make sure you
have at the very least a witness! Preferably a law enforcement officer
if possible. If the person is conscious, ask first and if they say
``no'' then don't push it.

If the person has rings on, the fingers may swell up and it is
important to get them off. Consent is paramount if the person is
conscious. Make sure there is at least one witness when removing them.


8) Have person check pulse every 5 minutes & document it

Every 5 minutes the pulse should be checked at the wrist. If the pulse
goes away at the wrist, check at the throat. This is a late sign of
shock (see 9).

Write down the number of beats per minute and the time you took the


8a) Have person check breathing every 5 minutes & document it

Just like the pulse, check number of breaths per minute, the most
reliable method being by placing your hand on the person's chest.
Obviously if the victim is female it would be best to have another
lady do this if at all possible.

Try to check their breathing rate without their knowing it. If they
know you are counting their respirations, they may unconsciously alter
their breathing rate.

Record this number along with the pulse every 5 minutes. Also note the
type of breathing; fast, shallow, yodelling, gurgling, labored, easy,
whatever. Even in layman's terms it may be useful to the paramedics.


9) Watch for signs of person going into shock

Signs of shock:

a) Inability to answer the 3 questions coherently (Who are you, etc.)
b) Pale, cool, clammy skin
c) Delayed capillary refill press your fingernail so that it turns
white. It should turn back to pink in less than 2 seconds. If it takes
longer, that is not a good sign.
d) Radial pulse (pulse at the wrist) goes away but there is still a
pulse on the neck

There isn't much we can do once someone starts going into shock, but a
few minor things that may help:

a) Assure adequate breathing. This really comes with the AB of U-ABCC.
b) Loosen restrictive clothing.
c) Reassure victim.
d) Keep the person warm (not too hot though).
e) Elevate the feet ~6 in. This is actually a judgement call since you
shouldn't really do that with suspected spinal injuries.
f) Control bleeding. This is probably obvious but if you don't realize
the victim is bleeding and they are rapidly going into shock, this
should tell you something.
g) Immobilize fractures. This helps relieve pain and control bleeding.

Stop bleeding, using sterile bandages/dressings if available

Two important things here are to
(a) stop any bleeding as soon as possible and
(b) keep the wounds sanitary as much as possible. Peripheral limbs are
commonly lost to infection, but given the choice between stopping
bleeding and using a nonsanitary cover, using the nonsanitary wrapping
is preferred. Blood loss is bad.

If sterile dressings are not immediately available, women in the group
may be carrying sanitary tampons, or Kotex napkins. Either can be used
as a sterile dressing, although obviously the sanitary napkins would
be superior.

EXCEPTION: If there are cuts anywhere on the head, do NOT apply
pressure. If there is a bone chip it is possible to push it into the
brain. It is also possible that stopping the flow of blood or cerebral
spinal fluid can lead to a buildup of pressure on the brain which is
not good. You should still bandage the cuts loosely.


11) In case of femur injuries (extremely common in moto accidents), check
for blood loss

80% of motorcycle accidents involve someone going over the top of
their motorcycle. Femur (the ``thigh bone'') injuries are very
frequent. There are huge arteries that run along the inner thigh; if
these are compromised the person can bleed to death in a very short
amount of time. It is important to minimize bleeding in this region!
Use a pressure point above the cut to control blood flow out of the
femur artery.


12) When ambulance arrives

Before the ambulance arrives, send people to the intersections in all
directions to watch for/direct the ambulance.

When the ambulance arrives, it is important to stay out of their way
as much as possible. Meet them and identify yourself as being ``in
charge'' and to be the person to contact if they need anything (bikes
moved, people moved, whatever). Make sure you

a) Provide accessable parking for ambulance
b) Let EMT's know who's in charge
c) Give factual account of accident (``And then the car comes along at
154 feet per second and hits our buddy here!'' is probably not going
to help anything). At 40 MPH, there are 60,000 units of kenetic
energy. At 50MPH, there are 120,000. It is IMPORTANT for medical
personnel to have an
HONEST estimate of the speed and circumstances at the time of the accident.
d) Give them all of the information that has been written down
(periodic vital signs and the three questions from U-ABCC at 5 minute
intervals, personal information about the victim, etc.)
e) Give EMT's an honest evaluation of patient's drug/alcohol consumption
f) Stay back or leave if told g) give EMT's time to work

It is important to give the ambulance people the most accurate
information possible! If the person just had 10 beers in the past
hour, tell them! They are not the law enforcement officials and their
only immediate concern is the safety of the patient. By
underestimating, trying to cover up, or not
telling the whole truth, you are only keeping important information
away from them which may be necessary for the safety of the patient.

If the helmet was removed, send it along in the ambulance. The doctors
may use the visible damage to the helmet to assist them in what to
look for in terms of injuries.

If there were leaking fluids, let the medical personnel know. The
fluids may have gotten on the patient and they need to know if there
was oil, gas, brake fluid or something like that on an open wound.


13) At the hospital

Only have one or two people in the Emergency Room at a time. If the
doctors have questions and neither of the people in the ER know the
answer, send one of them out to the other people to find out the
answer. Crowding everyone into the ER will only make it more stressful
and difficult for the ER staff to do their jobs.


14) Dealing with law enforcement

As with the the ambulance, when law enforcement arrives identify
yourself as being ``in charge''. Let them know that if there is
anything they need, such as bikes moved or people moved, you are the
person to talk to.

For them, walking on to a scene of bikers who are all in a very
excited state is intimidating and this will help calm them and give
them some easy way to control the bike people.

It is obviously important to do whatever the law enforcement officials ask.

Before the officers do arrive, try to not move motorcycle parts any
more than necessary! They may need to take accident scene notes and by
moving things around you may confuse the situation for them. Parts
will need to be moved off the road to avoid further accidents, but
move them directly to
the side so the law enforcement officials can determine roughly where
it stopped if necessary. Try not to distrub the bike any more than
necessary. (Petcock should be shut off, electrics turned off, bike
propped up vertically, etc.)


15) Thank yous

Officers often get little or no recognition for helping out on the
scene. It will cheer all of them up to no end to receive some kind of
thanks for their help; any of the following are appropriate
1: cards 2: in newspaper 3: in person

It will improve our image as bikers and rewards all those people who
take time out of their own lives to help others. It is important!


16) Couple of miscellaneous notes

Leathers will have to be cut off by medical personnel. Be mentally
prepared for it. If they do not cut off your clothes, they will not be
able to do a proper assessment of the wounds and you are not being
treated properly! If you are conscious and insist that they do not cut
your leathers, they cannot by law. If you are unconscious, it is
implied consent and they will remove them if in doubt.

Over 50% of fatalities are alcohol related. I know it's a cliche' but
don't let friends drink and ride unless you're prepared to lose that

Like I said earlier, in 80% of the accidents involve going over the
handlebars. If your bladder is full, the extreme pressure can easily
cause it to break. Make a pitstop by the bathroom before you leave.

In an emergency situation, psychological management is important. If a
central person takes charge and is remaining calm, this will transfer
to all of the other people on the scene and will help the victim far
more than if everyone is overly excited and pumped with adrenaline.
Take two deep
breaths when you feel yourself losing it.

Take basic first aid and CPR courses! They are offered through the Red
Cross and several other organizations periodically. Go with some
riding buddies or get your club to have a class!


17) Four most important points from this:

The four most important things were

a) Stay calm
d) Who are you/Where are you/What time of day is it?