What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

Bill my wife Tianne's Black Bandit is Black Betty :)



Tianne , and Bandit in Arkansaa May 2018.jpg

Bandit is a pretty good name already.
We have a cat named Muzzy ;)

We had a cat named Fuzzie...she lived 18 yrs.

I wanted to call it a Bandito but that wasn't a good name due to the gang with the same name..I called it a Bat for a bit, there was once it wouldn't start for me and a few other colorful names were given to it...until I found out I forgot to plug something in when I was working on it..

The thing has been solid and reliable just what one would expect from a Suzuki...it also goes like stink too.
You what's kind of ironic Bryan? I call my Ram pick up Ram Jam....my wife never got the correlation when I had "Black Betty" blasting on the stereo one time we were going somewhere. Even when I explained it to her, it was lost in translation...she is a Newfie afterall….
What is a Newfie?
They are good people from the province of Newfoundland. They include Labrador in that now but they do not count as Newfies. They work hard, drink hard they fight they eat moose meat and fish. Its always cold there year round We mainlanders call it ten moths of winter and two months of real tough sledding.
On summer days they go out their front door In the winter they leave by the upstairs window Google Image Result for https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/1a/b7/901ab752334fbb0891e9cedf1ed6307a.jpg
they paint their boats and houses the same colour so they remember which one is theirs
If a mainlander calls a Newfoundlander a Newfie the fight is on :)
They love to go to the sea side but the water is too cold for anything but looking at
And yeah they are big loveable dogs the black ones are Newf's the black and white ones are Landseer's
What is a Newfie?
Sorry, I was in bed when you asked this question.

Like John said, and to add to this, a Newfie is what we call a person from Newfoundland.

A little stereo-typical in a description however...most Newfies and their communities are much like everywhere else in Canada as it is changing there quite a bit. Some places are "atypical" of what one would think a Newfoundland community would be but that is for tourists.
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Did a job on my bike that I have been meaning to do for some time.
I have noticed the clutch fluid has been quite dirty for a little while, I have changed the fluid a few times over the last year. I noticed the rubber boot covering the push rod was perished so I thought it was time to overhaul The system.
I fitted a new genuine Suzuki piston and cup set and also the slave cylinder cup. The cylinder bore in both the master and slave were in good condition so that was a bonus. I vacuum bleed the air from the line and it only took five minutes so that was another bonus.
Whilst it was all apart I cleaned and lubed all the pivot points so the action at the lever is excellent, smooth and feels great.
The whole job only cost $43 and I am a big believer in preventative maintenance, another job ticked off the list.