What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

Hit a milestone 24,000

came home from a friends place today
Put 1008 kilometres on it (approx 630 miles) over the top of some of of the Great Lakes. about 80 of them on the rain
The bugs are out in force up north now so once I got home it was clean the bugs off the bike time. My visor is quietly sitting with a warm towel over it it loosen some them off with out scratching it.
Good times
On my way back from port Huron and already had to stop twice to clear enough of the visor to see
How much to spa treatment RJ?
You what's kind of ironic Bryan? I call my Ram pick up Ram Jam....my wife never got the correlation when I had "Black Betty" blasting on the stereo one time we were going somewhere. Even when I explained it to her, it was lost in translation...she is a Newfie afterall….
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