wal-mart, really?

kitchener rider

I was cheap, so all I got was a lousy t-shirt
This should boggle your mind!! And probably scare you as well how big they become and how much they contribute to China's economy!

1. At Wal-Mart, Americans spend $36,000,000 every hour of every day.

2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!

3.. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.

4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target + Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.

5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people and is the largest private employer, and most can't speak English.

6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.

7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger & Safeway combined; keep in mind they did this in only 15 years.

8. During this same period, 31 Supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.

9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.

10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA, of which 1,906 are Super Centres ; this is 1,000 more than it had 5 years ago.

11. This year, 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at a Wal-Mart store. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 billion.)

12. 90% of all Americans live within 15 miles of a Wal-Mart.

13. The value of product for Wal-Mart passing through the port of San Diego each year is a larger sum than 93% of ALL countries' Gross National Product (GNP) .....and that is only ONE port ...one way – that’s how Wal-Mart gets its stuff.

14. Of the 1.6 million employees, only 1.2% make a living above the poverty level.

15. Wal-Mart's head office is located and centralized in Bentonville, Arkansas. Due to this fact, there are more millionaires per square mile there than any other place on earth.

16. The official U.S. Government position is that Wal-Mart's prices are no lower than anyone else's, when compared to a typical family's weekly purchases. That's the view of the statisticians at the Bureau Of Labour Statistics (BLS) responsible for calculating the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

17. 92% of everything Wal-Mart sells, comes from China . Another 4% comes from Chinese-owned companies in the U.S., or in Third-World Countries.

18. Wal-Mart and MOST large companies, take out life insurance on its employees, without their knowing. If an employee dies, ALL the insurance monies go to the companies. I.e., An employee making $18,000 per year dies, and the company might make as much as $1 million. Most often these monies, coming from what is commonly referred to as "Dead Peasant Life Insurance Policies", is paid out to executives as bonuses. (A common practice, unknown by the average consumer).

19... Wal-Mart now averages a "profit" (not sales) of $36 billion per year.

20. Let Wal-Mart bail out Wall Street. If not, consider shopping someplace else.

If we closed all the Wal-mart stores, would China go bankrupt?????????
so....this is capitalisim???
No, it's the distillation of our type of capitalism down to it's purest essence. The pursuit of profit with no regard to ANYTHING else, and at ANY cost.
Also please note that Eminent Domain laws have been changed (another thing that Bush did while he thought we weren't watching...) to extend that right to private enterprise. If Wal-Mart wants to put a super center on top of your dream home, guess what? Yup, you're outta there.....



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Hmmmm..... ???
wally world is the devil

Don't know if I'd say that, I would just say Ole Sam had a good business head on his shoulders. No matter what anyone may say or think, who can honestly say they would do it differently if Walmart was their company and was able to do for your family what he did his? Whether you want to consider it right or wrong , american or not. Billions aren't made by being nice or 100% loyal/honest to anyone/place in peticular.

At least that's how I see it.???
Wally Worlds Return Policy Is Kick Ass! Thats why I dont have a concience when I need something to go buy it and use it and return it at a later time.. :thumbsup:
I have a friend that has been working loss prevention for 15 years at Wally World.
Did you know that if your close to a senior citizen age you can shoplift and they wont do a DAMN thing! They will let you walk right out the store rather then making a stop and the person having a heart attack and the family suing wal mart. I could go on and on about the dont care shop lifting policies by walmart
I have a friend that has been working loss prevention for 15 years at Wally World.
Did you know that if your close to a senior citizen age you can shoplift and they wont do a DAMN thing! They will let you walk right out the store rather then making a stop and the person having a heart attack and the family suing wal mart. I could go on and on about the dont care shop lifting policies by walmart

Well I guess that is one way to supplement your social security check.

It would be nice if they paid a living wage, unfortunately in this economic climate when they are the only ones hiring they can set the low wages. Perhaps the auto unions should be contracted to the Walmart employes.
if you do the math, numbers 1 and 2 are wrong, or number 2 and 19 are wrong, if number 2 is right, the anual profit would be just shy of 11billion, if number 2 is worded wrong and means sales instead of profit then the hourly sales would be 1260000 not 36million.... i dont disagree that wally world is evil, im just saying the claims here dont add up
Great company. I don't know what the poverty level is for the author but the employees I talk to make dayum good money. Let's get real folks the majority of their employees are store clerks and I can imagine they would rather work for wally world than any other retail chain. No they're not union. Has anyone looked at the labels on the products they buy lately everything comes from China and that's not Wal-Marts fault now is it. And no Wal-Mart doesn't owe anyone anything. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I guess Obama needs to redistribute Walmart's wealth. It isn't fair a company has become successful. I bet they don't pay their fair share in taxes either.
How can you complain about Walmart. The are the posrter child for mixing Socialism and Capitalism.

They make a ton of money without screwing over the customer.
with out Wally World, us poor country South Carolinian's wouldn't have a place to socialize at after 10pm:moon: hahaha i know cause i use to be one of them back home:laugh:
Kitchen rider not to offend you but Wal-Mart is new to people in the north, but Sam Walton and crew has been selling stuff in the south for years. I mean years. So your facts didn't surprise me. I remember when Wal-mart closed at 10pm and had no auto center. Then one day, BOOM Super Wal-mart.
I won't blast Walmart, just don't see how saving millions of people billions of dollars is a bad thing, if you don't like Wally World just shop elsewhere...
I won't blast Walmart, just don't see how saving millions of people billions of dollars is a bad thing, if you don't like Wally World just shop elsewhere...
Great idea, problem is that if I want to buy a pair of socks, or a t-shirt, I either have to drive a minimum 45 miles round trip, or shop at walmart. They lower prices to the point where smaller companies simply cannot compete, force the other stores to close down, then raise their prices back up. Walmart is a symbol of what is wrong with this country, and if you think there is no problem with the way they conduct business, you haven't been paying attention.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a corporation turning a profit, but when they buy lawmakers in order to change laws in order to make said profit, there is a serious problem.