Uneven Tire Wear

To answer your question , absolutely. It's not a big secret. You are better than I ever gave credit if you ride down the road at a 2% angle friend. You don't, you ride like the rest of us lowly creatures, straight up and down without angle ( in the straights ). Like I said I wore out that side of my bike tires as a kid. You even have a member from down under stating he has the same wear on the opposite side of the tire. I was hoping someone that drives / rides in the other lane would reply.

Put the bottle down Robert, its bluring more than your vision! :poke:

If your theory was correct every motorcycle tire in the US would ware heavier on the left side. They don't! Mine tend to wear nice and smooth in the middle unless I'm spanking the twisties on a regular basis. Only then does the left side ware more rapidly and that is undoubtedly due to the riding more aggressively on left turns which I am very much aware of.

And to be honest, this is a mute subject. Like Religion, everybody has their opinion and none have ever been proven and never will. It does not make a hill of beans difference which side wears more or less. When the tire is worn out its worn out. Who gives a rats a$$ which side the cord shows up first.
I hit the left side of the rear harder, but the right side more on the front. Mostly because the tighter radius of the right turns make me ride the front a little more, and I'm more comfortable entering rights faster since I have pretty much the whole lane to use. Lefts I'm more limited to the outer half of the lane for turn in to keep my head on my side of the center line, so have a tendency to "tip toe" in more. But exit I can twist the gas harder and sooner because I can see what's coming and know if I can tighten it up on the way out.

Tires.. 9-27-2012 002.jpg
I think it's because the right arm is heavier than your left arm, hense you lean to the left to compensate and your bike is off centre
Exact same thing happened to me on my last set of tires.
I simply went from from 38psi to 40psi in both and I'm fine.
The set I have now has almost 10k on them and while center of rear is just now starting to show a flat spot the front is wearing even.
I'm sure it's hard to swallow Ken but the originality of your "Moot" brilliance always shines like a beacon in night!

So you win the spelling bee! Here is your sign! :smileyexhibit:

Thank you!

I know how extremely difficult it is for you to even admit even the smallest error.:poke:

