Undertails & Huggers

Mikey D

I am interested in an undertail, but I don't want to deal with the sling from the rear wheel.  (Especially in the infrequent rain!) Do they provide any inclement whether protection.  Does a hugger (which looks really cool but may be positioned too far foward) help?

I ask this because when I buched the rear fender off of my last bike (750 Katana), there was sling all over me & the bike.
(They chip seal the roads out here so sling includes copious quantities of road tar!)

Thanks in advance!
You def want to consider an undertail if your going to hack off the back. It's cleaner as well as custom. The toppgunn undertail has found to be one of the best for a good price. "ALLIEDBARTER". The hugger keeps it very very clean. The best one for the busa is an NWS hugger. It is the only one that extends below the swingarm preventing crap from getting into the "guts" under the seat etc. Worth every cent.

Here hope this helps. List of undertails. Allied barter is my #1 pic. Tell Silvio I sent you and you'll get a $$ break.



The chain guard is part of the hugger. Ref the above link. Allied barter is an extreme graphic rep. but in the states. THat way you wont have to pay the tariff fees. Can get the stock light version as well. If you get the topp gunn then hit me up when your ready for the brightest LED tail lights.

