Tire Break-in


So ,I finally got my new tires mounted and everyone keeps telling me to be careful till they are broke in.Are they considered broken in once the tire has been driven evenly across the thread,washed,driven in rain,,,???????. Warning tag says no extreme lean angles till broken in for 100 miles.Well if you can't lean them,how do you break in the sides?Any info would be appreciated.
All a myth in my opinion. I was told that at one time new tires were slick due to the mould release they used in the factory. It's always good to take it easy when you have a new part on the bike for a few miles but "take it easy" is well within the riding forces most of us put on a bike normally. I wouldn't put a new set of tires on and go put a knee down on a track but i pretty much take it easy for 10-20 mile just to be sure the tires are on right then forget about them and go on my way.
I doesn't hurt to give them a few miles. Back in the day of releasing agents it was a lot of fun :laugh:
I have rolled many a set of Q2s with nubs on them out on to Barber and been full tilt boogie after a couple laps. The tires of today are ready to go out of the box once heated up.
Thanks for the advice folks.I also read a good thread in here that pointed me to an article in a bike mag that talked about this and other tire issues.I have my answers and am ready to rip.Thanks:laugh:
Before mounting new tires I wipe them down with brake cleaner to get the film off then rub them with a Scotchbrite pad till they are evenly scuffed. I am still a bit careful on them for the first hundred miles or so but this seems to work well.