Help him Rich, he is from ur neck of the woods, no ? Teach him how to shift..
The video is from Europe...the OP (original poster) is from Southern California.
I'm in Northern California
You mean he wasn't actually doing 320 MPH in 5th
So does he not belive in 6th gear or just too dumb to know he has one?
This is just another reminder as to why I refrian from buying a used bike.
yea was my thought.... just zing the thing till it blows... "FCPC"+1, poor bike, and why hold it @ redline for so long when you have 1-2 more gears to go...what a "female cleansing product container"
was you trying to say douche bag?+1, poor bike, and why hold it @ redline for so long when you have 1-2 more gears to go...what a "female cleansing product container"
+1, poor bike, and why hold it @ redline for so long when you have 1-2 more gears to go...what a "female cleansing product container"