Thinking about a Busa but worried about my license

Just like everyone, it's your wrist that gets you in trouble, though the busa sure doesn't help when it start whispering to you!

Also, I've been pulled for 95 in a 65, but I had pulled over even before the motorcycle cop had even enough time to get behind me, & talked with respect...yada yada yada got back on without a ticket:cool: Just make sure you have some gear, in South Carolina I think that's how they judge if you're a squid when they stop you!
Thanks for all the replies!
I think for now I will continue to ride my Honda Valkyrie and envy you guys, hope you don't mind my contributing to the board now and then.
It's amazing what a few wrinkles can do. I have been stopped 3 times in the last 6 months for speeding. When I take off my helmet and they see that I'm.... uh... "mature", they talk about my bike and let me off with a warning (knock on wood).

This past Saturday I was stopped by 3 motorcycle cops (one with the radar gun, two directing me off the road). They clocked me doing 60 in a 40 zone. I readily admitted my transgression. The officer who was citing me was admiring the Busa and asked me what was fastest I'd had it. I thought WTF, I'll tell him. 150, I said. He said that was awesome. I got off with a warning.

I'm certain that if I were younger I'd have gotten a big fat ticket.
You can get in trouble with a 12 second bike just about as quick as you can with a Busa. All common sense, restraint and a little luck sometimes.
This thing will make your licence TOAST

It's a speeding ticket waiting to happen

Jeez, 85 feels like 40

To original poster, I know where you're coming from. I lust for a Busa but I haven't pulled the trigger b/c I think it will be similar to the experience I had on my cbr1100xx. Loved the bike although it had a harsh suspension and from what I've read the 'Busa offers a better ride.

I was always worried I was gonna lose my license on the XX. I didn't even go that crazy on it but averaged 90 on the highway...or faster....always worried I was gonna get pulled over (no radar detector). It was just toooo easy to fly on the XX. And if I didn't I was like.....well then why do I have this thing? Hell I can cruise at 80 on a Goldwing....don't need a superbike for that. So I sold it and now have an '04 Wing and SV650. Hell I just got a ticket on my Wing
I think a lot of the appeal at least for me with the Busa is just HAVING the effortless reserve of power that can be tapped into anytime. It's a bit irrational but oh well. But in reality I go as fast as I need to go on my Wing or SV which can both pretty easily stay ahead of traffic if need be. Like someone else on this board once said to're wasting your $$ on a Busa if you don't like to ride in the triple digits......and I rarely do....for various reasons. But I still may end up with a Busa down the road anyway but right now I got no complaints with my Wing and SV.
Hmmm. You don't see the difference in a bike that redlines in first at 40 mph and second gear at 65 mph and a bike that does the same thing at 90 mph and 120 mph? I'm not sure I see the point in owning a bike you can't redline when the feeling strikes you, and that makes you a speeder on every road and every gear you do it on.
I mean, what's the point in owning a Busa if you ain't gonna use it like it was made to be used? Some of you are suggesting you ride it like you would a cruiser, that's just sad.
If you twist the grip too fast in any gear, a ticket will be the least of your problems when the front wheel rises above your head on the Busa.
I'm always afraid of being thrown in jail.  Of course I'm always more worried that excessive speed will kill me first

I simply tell police, and most realize this nowadays, that most ALL bikes are 150+ in a heartbeat.  The Busa is nothing special anymore.  In fact, I think that the police like it more because they know we are not doing wheelies at 90mph like our GSX1000 brothers.  

Hayabusa is, dare I say it, a "conservative platform" to excessively speed  
Hmmm. You don't see the difference in a bike that redlines in first at 40 mph and second gear at 65 mph and a bike that does the same thing at 90 mph and 120 mph?  I'm not sure I see the point in owning a bike you can't redline when the feeling strikes you, and that makes you a speeder on every road and every gear you do it on.
I mean, what's the point in owning a Busa if you ain't gonna use it like it was made to be used?  Some of you are suggesting you ride it like you would a cruiser, that's just sad.
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:firebrick'>ACCELERATION!!!</span></span>
Self control and sound judgement will keep you out of the popo! Time and place for everything, The track is the surest way NOT to get a ticket for those adrenalin rushes.:;):