The "STUNGUN" Revamped...


Donating Member
I must say the bike feels like it's brand new...The throttle response is great and the power at only 6pds is awesome...The last couple of quick rides are the first that I have had with zero bike problems...No chain slipping...No gear slippage...No overheating...Just flat out a$$ kicking, head chopping power...Just got to get the chain broken in and it will all be good...I'm so glad I sent the bike back and got everything worked out...  

Reason for Edit: None given...|1091847010 --> much did it cost?..

I must say, your story and a couple more have turned me away from turbo (and boy, was I hot!.. ) Now I will have to settle with the usual stuff - full exhaust, PC, filter and basta!

..I'll take it from there, 'cause I just can't afford an overhaul for kicks only..
That kick's ass! I just got mine back too... I am not going to starting talking it up until I get a ride or two on it. Maybe even tonight...? It ran fine on the way home, but I did not get a chance to push it hard.

Best of luck to both of us!!!
That kick's ass!  I just got mine back too...  I am not going to starting talking it up until I get a ride or two on it.  Maybe even tonight...?  It ran fine on the way home, but I did not get a chance to push it hard.

Best of luck to both of us!!!
I'm crossing everything that I can...But I believe that my problems are gone...Just got it cleaned up and covered...Ready to roll tomorrow...And I'll be looking for positive posts on your bike...
evil.gif much did it cost?..  

I must say, your story and a couple more have turned me away from turbo (and boy, was I hot!.. )     Now I will have to settle with the usual stuff - full exhaust, PC, filter and basta!  

..I'll take it from there, 'cause I just can't afford an overhaul for kicks only..
wizard...You know I had to change my position on my problems...I have a turbo bike that had problems it was not the turbo that was the problem...I only paid for the rerouting of the lines and a check of the turbo aobut $250 in labor I was not raped...I had some other things done while the bike was down there mainly a BOV installed seriosus fun factor...
Good to hear Stunn Man, now get buck wild on her.
glad to hear the bike turned out good, i still havent gotten mine back yet, gonna scream at the people at goldrush tomorrow and see what the hold up is, i called yesterday but no one was in the office. i dont recomend this shipping company to anyone, just really bad customer service and its taking way too long to have a bike shipped form Florida to New Jersey
glad to hear the bike turned out good, i still havent gotten mine back yet, gonna scream at the people at goldrush tomorrow and see what the hold up is, i called yesterday but no one was in the office. i dont recomend this shipping company to anyone, just really bad customer service and its taking way too long to have a bike shipped form Florida to New Jersey
Yeah...Their at the bottom of my list also...I want ever use them again...
Ohhh Yeahhhhh...Glad to hear it's up and running again...I know how you feel to have it back on the road and better than ever!