The forsale forums


Orange is the fastest
Donating Member
This is posted from my own concern, neither Captain or any Mod's had anything to do with this thread.

I've sold a number of things here and kept all the $$ for myself, so i'm guilty of not donating.  Being that the auction site didn't do to well and the old forsale forums are making a return i want to ask a favor from everyone here that is gonna use them.

Since the auction site was started to add some income for and it's no more. I would like to ask that when anyone sells something, to maybe make a point to throw a few bucks to the site. Maybe not everytime, but any $$ you can give helps keep this site up and running.
This place is a second home to many, i want to keep it around and it ain't cheap to maintain a site like this.

Thanks and Merry Christmas.
i have and will contiune in this . good ideal to help keep the board running.
I'm guilty of the same crime (but I only sold one item ... you cheapskate
). I basically said the same thing a few days ago. It'll basically be like an Honor System. No you don't HAVE to give back, but it'll be a nice way of saying, "Thanks for letting me sell my item here and not having to deal with those idiots on EBay who take 3 weeks to pay if they pay at all".
I know I've been away from the board for a couple of years. But I spent a lot of time here before, and I spend a lot of time here now. I haven't sold anything here. I donated a few things to guys who have needed them. But the idea of giving a little is a great thing. This is a great site and we should all consider donating to the board, not just the sellers but all of us. I know there are a lot of donating members, but the board could always use more. Anyhow, just my two cents.
I think we are all a little guilty, I will say that the parts I've sold were steals compared to what I would make on E-Bay and if I take to much of a hit its hard for me to kick it back.

Regardless I will continue to pay my annual dues.