Stock tire questions


What is the stock Bridgestone tire number? Is it the Battleax BT56R?

What do you think of replacing just the rear if the front has lots of life left in it?
I went through 2 rear tires before I replaced my stock front. Should be no problem.
2 rears to one front here. There is a B56 specifically designed for the Busa. Get that one.
it's bt56 "J" model and MAW has'em the cheapest, Can't/Won't lean much but It's the stability king. Enjoy

I lean the stockers to the edge...I'm no track rat, but I don't slack in the twisty stuff.

Thanks for the replies.
I use Pilot road. 2 rear to 1 front. cold pressure 2.9 bar.
10 000 kms from the rear. Excellent in the wet and in the dry better than the '56.