Spare Ribs??

Jet Li

What is the AWESOME????
Donating Member
Adam is in the Garden of Eden when he says, "God, I am lonely. What can you do?"

God replies, "I will make for you a woman."

Adam says, "what is a woman?"

God replies, "A wonderful creature who will massage your feet, prepare your food, always agree with you, understand your man needs, etc..." Now, I will need one of your ribs to fashion this woman for you.

Adam agrees and God does his miraculous creating.

A week later, Adam goes to a remote part of the Garden and calls to God.

God, "This woman is indeed a wonderful creature however, she does not want to do any of the things you had related to me." So, I was wondering God, what can I get for 2 ribs?
oh yeah that was a good one!
Also proves that Men are just as hard to please! Compare this one to the joke posted about women always wanting more
No offense intended BabyeBusa04, just though it was cute
I would gladly give all my ribs if my wife needed em. Peace.